gamestop wii friday?

Sorry for dp

All you guys have to do is check the flyers sent out to you in the newspaper.

Each one tells you what time the store opens, Most are at 5, some 6, others 7.

In other words, be up and out of your house by 4:30 just to be safe. It says in BestBuys flyer that they are giving out tickets for the "Special sale" items at 4 a.m.
I failed. my game stop got 3 wiis and 4 ps3's and whe ni got their the line all stared at me and oen guy at hte front of the line said, "what are you waiting for?" me: "a wii", hes like, "too late, they only got 3 and there all accounted for."

compUSA didnt have them yet, and Wally world of course, sold out. :( looks like compusa is my best bet, and they said they get trucks everyday, so hopefully this week i'll get one!