Games to buy & watch for


Wii = Fun
Jan 24, 2008
I have had the nintendo wii for a while now. And i think its an amazing really fun console. Here are some honest reviews in my opinion on some games i own. And i recommend. My girlfriend also plays these games so thats saying at least 1 girl will play these games with you lol...:ciappa:

1. Legend of Zelda Twilight princess...This game is very fun. You get to pretty much ride a horse around or walk around and explore alot of things. You dont have to go straight to the missions you can go fishing..or other activites. But after a while you will want to do the missions so you can go further in the game..The storyline is very interesting. And using the remote as a sword is always cool.

2. Mario Galaxy...Anothe great game..And very nice graphics i might add. Another great storyline...As all the mario games are. If you love the mario games this is a must. the controlls are nice too. o yea and me and my girlfriend play co of us use 1 remote to use mario...the other can be a hand that grabs stars and hits enemies...pretty cool..least you dont have to sit and watch til one of ya dies or gets tired ha.

3. No More Heros...I have just played this today but i really liked this game. Its a mature game tho...FYI....Alot of blood & language...But not in a scary way...Somehow its in a fun..make you smile way lol...I have beaten the first boss and i wont give any spoilers but i am addicted to the game already..You can run around the city after the first boss level. You get a motorcycle...and you can buy different clothing...sunglasses...all that..really cool game..after playing it made me feel like..the games to come will be amazing on the wii...

4.Resident evil 4 wii edition...If you havent played it before on ps2 or gamecube you need this game...If you can buy or like mature games..Yes theres blood and language...But this time...its not funny...Its kind of scary at times...I actually had a bad dream after playing this before i went to bed LOL...but the controlls are fun once you master them...aiming the remote as your gun rules...

5.mario party 8...Ok..if your a lone gamer...probably not the game for you..But if your family plays with ya...or your girlfriend or wife or friends...And you enjoyed the previous mario party games..get this..or you enjoy board games..this is like a board game on a tv...Me and my girlfriend like to play this...she always wins...and no i dont let her win.ha..there is the thing where theres 2 black bars on the sides of the tv with this game..but we didnt even notice the first time...i have a 50 inch even after making it a point to didnt bother us at all...Great game fun mini games and use of the remote...

6. Super paper mario...Again another game me and my girlfriend play together....its only one player but we like to switch off...its a really cool..different style mario game...Good graphics...and its cool how you can turn the boards and go different secret ways...

7. wii play & wii sports...To make it short...Wii sports probably came with your wii...if not get it...its a good game..bowling is a must with get to use your miis on all the games....wii play is OK...but you get a remote with it...and 9 why not???

8. guitar hero 3...Ok ok..I'm not really a guitar hero 3 fan but my girlfriend is..
So i bought it...Um..if you buy this dont compare it to xbox 360...because it kind of ruins it...the graphics arent that nice...and i feel like plugging the wii remote into the guitar and into the cord inside is a pain...but once you got everything loaded its pretty arent everything...But i think its where i played the 360 version first thats what stood out to me..other than that..same game...and once a second guitar comes out by itself i will buy it...playing co op with a friend is reallllllly fun...
I own all of those games..and play them all...I reccomend all of those.

Ok games i would like to buy or check out :yikes:

1.super smash bros brawl of course
2.mario kart with the wheel ha. and online should be great.
3.Bully the wii edition...i wanted to play this game when i saw it on ps2 but never got i will hehehe.

4. trama center new blood...figure why not cut on people??? and its co girlfriend wants this game and i think it will be pretty cool..

5. metroid corruption...yes i never got the chance to get it...i know i know...but it looks cool and i will have this...once i get halfway thru the other games i have started lol...

Ok..theres alot of games i like or have or want...Hope this helps anyone looking for games...Or wondering...And this is from a fan not a critic...Good luck..If you have any suggestions for games you own and like alot feel free to let me know i want to check them out ASAP :yesnod:
I've played Bully on the PS2. It's really fun, but my TV is dark, so I can't fully enjoy it. I can't see some darker objects in the game and my TV is brand new..idk.
I've come to hate the lame humor and endless dialog of Super Paper Mario. However, I'm too far along in it so I'm determined to beat it at some point (Tomb Raider is currently distracting me).
I'm excited for baroque, okami, Tales of Symphonia, and that wierd chocobo game that Square-Enix is developing.

I hope that some quality turn based RPGs come out this year.
Galaxy was easily the best Wii game of last year, although Metroid Prime 3 Corruption was a good one as well.

2008 is looking to be like a great year, and I myself can't wait to play No More Heroes..just have to wait till its in Canada first :lol:

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