Games Shortage


WiiChat Member
Dec 31, 2007
Bristol, UK
Wii Online Code
Today I was looking around the stores near home and noticed that the most popular games and some not so poular were all out of stock.
I have been looking for Link Crossbow Training but alas can not find it any where other than at extortionate prices. Also Mario at the Olympics is out of stock around here and on, usely they show an aproximate deilevery time i;e stock expected in 2 weeks. Now many games have no expected re stocking dates!
Do you think the popular titles will be as hard to come by as the console itself.
I feel you, it was super hard for me to track down Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution. I looked in Target,circuit city, eb games, then I finally found a used copy in gamestop.
Weird. I was in target looking for Xbox 360 games. I noticed everything wasn't in stock. I walked over to the Wii and the same thing. I then went to Walmart and found the same thing. I didn't think much about it. I finally found what I was looking for at Gamestop.
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So looking at the post this is not just a UK thing, the problem is just as bad in the states.
It may just be temporary as I know quite a few people who managed to get a Wii and they have just been buying every thing they can get, assessories included.
I suppose that seeing Consoles have and still are in short supply, then retailers will only stock limited copies of individule games!

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