games all rented out!


WiiChat Member
Nov 15, 2006
boooo this sucks. i got home from work lastnight n played my wii. i didnt buy a game so only had the sports game. i was playin bowling all night. i sucked at the golf lol it would hit the ball when i didnt hit the button or id go too far. but i went to blockbuster and rogers video to rent a game to play for few nights n all gone. blockbuster only had spongebob and i didnt wanna play that really. i just called now to see if any r in n still nope. gonna keep trying .may be few days b4 i can play something new lol. anyone else's stores all rented out?did u guys rent any?any awsome games uve played? when i was in line at toys r us to buy the wii (i was first person),all i kept hearin ppl talk about is monkeyball lol so wanna rent that one....gonna rent some b4 i buy em
Try renting at, it cost membership, but it has all games from GBA to Wii. It's the greatest, it even has it's own comercials. Popular XD
i got monkey ball from my local blockbuster. ive only been playing the short "party games", but its pretty cool. the blockbuster i went to only had like 2-3 titles for rental. but seeing used to work at that store, my friend said they had more tittles in the back that they hadn't put up in display.

btw, it might be a while before u get to rent a game. altho they are only a week rental, u get that second week before its sold to ur account. id suggest triying out gamefly like shadow said
The Hollywood Video here doesn't even have Wii games in stock yet. *annoyed sigh*
I really hope that here in Australia we will be able to rent Wii games. Where I am I have never been able to rent a Cube game (they told me they didnt see it as profitable) they all have such a negative reaction to Nintendo product... :nono:
I've been trying to find a new online rental service for games, I had gamefly but my subscription got cancelled since the games kept getting lost in the mail. Anyone have any experience with any other game rental websites?

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