How do you people rent your games?


WiiChat Member
Aug 11, 2007
There are a lot of games (HP OotP, Warioware, Bioshock for the 360) that I'd like to rent instead of buy. I'm very peeved because the selection of games (wii, 360) at the local blockbuster really sucks. I'd go somewhere else, but they closed down a blockbuster down the road, so it's the only one for a good 10 miles (edit: much less, but still a whiles away on bike) or so, and I don't have a license yet. And I live in NYC, not in the middle of nowhere.

How do you rent your games? online services? blockbuster? some other store?
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I usually just go to the movie gallery down the road its a small place so no one ever goes there. If you can't go anywhere try game fly or whatever my friend uses it.
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Brady280 said:
I usually just go to the movie gallery down the road its a small place so no one ever goes there. If you can't go anywhere try game fly or whatever my friend uses it.
is that subscription or à la carte?
I don't rent enough games to warrant a monthly service, especially with school and all, I just don't have the time.
i tried an online rental service in Canada and loved it, i got to play a lot of games. It could be a good option.
they hardly stock good games, i think all rental places are going out of buisness cause of the internet.
you live in NYC and the closest blockbuster is 10 miles away?? that isn't even possible..theres like more than 10 within 10 miles from me(in queens) alone. go to and check your surroundings there has to be one closer! Goodluck. I dont trust the online rental services
The local Blockbuster is where I go.
Been going there for years, 7 years to be exact.
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LilWiiWii said:
you live in NYC and the closest blockbuster is 10 miles away?? that isn't even possible..theres like more than 10 within 10 miles from me(in queens) alone. go to and check your surroundings there has to be one closer! Goodluck. I dont trust the online rental services

lol queens also, and there used to be, but as I said, a few of them went out of business, and even though it's the only one around, the only remaining one isn't stepping up to the plate. I've been waiting for the bourne identity to come in stock for a month and a half now so i could watch the second one, and then go see the bourne ultimatum. Oh well.

edit: i didn't mean the closest one is 10 miles, my fault
I meant that other than that one, the closest one after that is a long way away.
and i did exaggerate a bit with the 10 mile thing, but my point is it's far too far to bike to and from comfortably.
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