

WiiChat Member
May 11, 2006
Do you think that Gamecube was a success or failure, it seemed like Nintendo was targeting children in the beginning, then they kind of switch horses mid flight (er..?) started signing more adult-themed games. I think that this marketting change hurt the GC greatly and I think that Nintendo should have taken on all demographics at once, and they had the system to do it, just not the marketing.
hmm, thats a tough call for me to make as i don't really follow the video game market so much as i just like to play the games....

for me the cube was a success, i had lots of fun playing it and even played it more than my ps2 unless there was a new final fantasy around.

nintendo has always kinda stood on their own, their focus is more on the experience and enjoyment of gaming rather than how many polygons can we put on the screen at once, in that respect they won
Im sorry to say but failure. It just was behind the Xbox, and PS2 due to a lack of Online Play, Behind in graphics, and Weak game titles...HOWEVER...My gamecube is still getting used...why u ask?...Resident Evil 4
I respect Nintendo for what they aim to do. However, I do think that the Gamecube was quite a failure, they weren't selling well at all (I'm in England btw). Some shops around here don't sell any GC games anymore at all. However, they did well in Japan for they did have much better variety of games. The reason for this was probably because of the difference in cultures, a lot of Nintendo games in Japan were based on Japanese animation cartoons which aren't as popular in the US or Europe.

However, the Wii will make up for that loss and will go further ahead than Sony or Microsoft ever will.
I wouldn't call it a complete failure... it's just that the GC wasn't as successful in terms of marketing compared to other competitors. However, despite that, I thoroughly enjoyed playing the game.
I think that it was a success even though the system struggled at times for this reason, it allowed them to showcase their innovative talents. Nintendo is the innovators of gaming. They always bring something new to the table.
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I thought of it as a success in Japan but sadly not any where else... I think this was because the game titles weren't as suitable for gamers than PS2 or XBox
I thought it was a failure... let's face it, the games weren't really too great and most of it only attracted the younger gamers.
i kinda thought it was a failure too, but that did not stop me from getting it and playing the majority of my games on it.
To me it was a success because i really enjoyed the games it provided for me, i am not a young gamer.
id say it is better than the ps2 for a guy like me.


(EDIT thought i might dig up this ancient thread because it still shows some value on opinions and it did not recieve that much attention.)
AskAboutMe said:
Im sorry to say but failure. It just was behind the Xbox, and PS2 due to a lack of Online Play, Behind in graphics, and Weak game titles...HOWEVER...My gamecube is still getting used...why u ask?...Resident Evil 4
Actually i have to disagree with you the GC had better graphics than the both but Xbox was really close behind, So what if online play wasnt there? you dont need it. Weak game titles? you do know the worlds most popular characters are on the GC then it's the Sega

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