Gamecube Games

you need a GAMECUBE Controller to play GAMECUBE games.... the Classic Controller is for Virtual Console games ,and SOME Wii games.
Information and list all seems to be set (remember, you need a Gamecube Controller and Gamecube Memory Card to play GC games)...but just for your further convenience, a readout:


I never had a gamecube either, and it really turns out to be a good thing. Games like Metroid Prime and Mario Sunshine age really, really well. Metroid Prime is what, 6 years old? Cost me $6 to buy at Gamestop? And I had an absolute blast playing it. I feel as though I'll never really fall into a boring slump with my Wii because there's simply too much to catch up on in between big Wii title releases.
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You can't go wrong buying any of the classics on vi3tmix's list.

For the investment of the controller and memory card, it's well worth it. Just get the games used (cheap) and you'll have just as much fun with most as a brand new game.

Remember, good games are good forever. Heck, I still have my Atari 2600 around just to play Pacman!
