gamecube games on the wii?


WiiChat Member
Dec 26, 2006
were abouts do insert the game cube disc?(in the normal wii inserter)
and do u need the gamecube controler?
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You insert the Game Cube Disks where you insert Wii Disks. You do need a gamecube controller.
open up the spots on top, and you can put in your memory cards and controllers
put the disc in just like the wii discs
Eric said:
You insert the Game Cube Disks where you insert Wii Disks. You do need a gamecube controller.

is there wireless gamecube controllers that fit on the Wii (how much)

cheers Pee Wii
yeah, get the wavebird...i use works real great...only prob is the lil sensor thing on top cuz it's so big wont let u use two next to each other, so the most wavebirds u could have are 2, spaced out every other.

But yeah, i dont know if the 3rd party ones work or not...i've heard they dont from some people, and heard they do from others...

and as far as the gc games go, just stick em in the same slot as u do a normal wii'll move it to the correct positioning once it grabs a hold of it.
GAME have made a GC controller for the Wii...

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