Gamecube Controller

aww man!! i was so looking forward to adjusting to the wii-mote on ssbb i thaught i would be really innovative i find the wii-mote alot easier to control with zelda and for some reason has donemy co-ordination wonders :) i understand the two games are different platforms but its not like nintendo to just let it go especially with something like the wii-mote which is the foundations of the wii
I saw this thread and was wondering if the Wave Bird is accessible to the Wii?
Has anyone tried this yet?
Icetrash said:
Nope you cannot use the Wiimote on Brawl, it has already been confirmed.

If the Wiimote isn't compatible with Brawl. They should include a Wii-Color Scheme Gamecube controller with the SSBB, kinda like how they're including a Wiimote with Wii Play. :lol:
IronSlayer said:
If the Wiimote isn't compatible with Brawl. They should include a Wii-Color Scheme Gamecube controller with the SSBB, kinda like how they're including a Wiimote with Wii Play. :lol:
Oooh a nice shiney smooth white gamecube controller? Count me in I want one. And make it a wavebird only. Yeah... Since I got my Wii I've been wanting to get more wavebirds. Moving the Wii to the floor when 4 people want to play is annoying.
They made a pearl white gamecube controller, that came bundled with the pearl white gc/super smash football combo. kinda rare. but that would be awesome if they included it with ssbb. I'd much prefer playing with the GC controller over the classic controller.

and I don't care what anyone says, i'm glad they aren't using the wiimote for this game. it would take away from it's simplicity. it's one of those games thats easy to pick up but you can still master it, and i'm glad they are sticking with that formula.
i agree it would wreck the game imo, It will be good using a normal remote.

yea... i like this place... its fun to post and talk with other Wii gamers out there but recently i've stop logging in and adding my two cents... reason being...

JWB577 said:
gamecube controller... Can you use an original one with the Wii?.

i mean... ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? :incazzato:
why do you guys even respond to this idocy :mad2:
Who buys a wii and doesnt know it is backward compatible with game cube games AND CONTROLLERS?. :eek:ut:

I cant stand reading some of the BS on here.
get some eyes man, READ. even the friggen wii user manual will tell you the answer to half the questions and thread entries on this forum. So many dumb :ciappa: on here.

Guys just stop replying to these brainless questions. Please.
It's just drowning out the useful pre thought out threads. :rolleyes:
that sounds fishy...does anyone have a link to a source where it says you cant use the remote for ssbb? seriously it sounds a bit weird. plus, even if you dont use the remote's motion sensor stuff or infrared crap, you should still just be able to use the buttons on the remote and doesn't seem that bad. i mean seriously, its a wii. you should be able to use the wiimote with it.

maybe its just me. i cant stand the gamecube controller...(last system i owned was an xbox)
hahah when will people get it through their heads.

just think about it guys... i know your all FAT SSB NERDS. its ok.. thats a good thing here. But anyhow think of all the hours you've played SSB would the wiimote have enough buttons to controll your furious SSB moves? Even with the motion capabilities? I dont think so. There are too many button combinations in the previous titles to somehow port that controll to a motion sensing controller.

LyricistSoldier said:
just think about it guys... i know your all FAT SSB NERDS. its ok.. thats a good thing here. But anyhow think of all the hours you've played SSB would the wiimote have enough buttons to controll your furious SSB moves? Even with the motion capabilities? I dont think so. There are too many button combinations in the previous titles to somehow port that controll to a motion sensing controller.


Well... Last I checked there was 2 punch buttons A+B, a jump buttonUp,X, or Y, Throw Z, and a block button R+L. The Wii has enough buttons for that. For smash attacks they could use what they did in DBZ just shake one of the controllers to charge up your smash hits. I think it would be fairly easy to play Smash Bros. with the Wii-Mote.
El Jefe said:
Well... Last I checked there was 2 punch buttons A+B, a jump buttonUp,X, or Y, Throw Z, and a block button R+L. The Wii has enough buttons for that. For smash attacks they could use what they did in DBZ just shake one of the controllers to charge up your smash hits. I think it would be fairly easy to play Smash Bros. with the Wii-Mote.

it wouldnt be as near as accurate though for the hardcore ssb players.
i'm too lazy to look it up, but its been confirmed - NO WIIMOTE FOR SSBB!!!

CashMoneyGifford said:
it wouldnt be as near as accurate though for the hardcore ssb players.
i'm too lazy to look it up, but its been confirmed - NO WIIMOTE FOR SSBB!!!

Hey I'm over it, I'm just saying SSB didn't use EVERY button on the controller. At heart it's a simple control setup. The Wii has more buttons than people realize just because they're easy to get to. 12 buttons if you count the D-pad's four directions. PS has 16, so 12 is enough I'd say.

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