Game you want made? or looking forward too. NOT IN RELEASE

I think it's fine without him speaking, as the voice can kill the classic that it's supposed to be for many fans.
maybe it could be like suidoken in wich all the characters speak except the main character u know except grunts yells and stuff like that
MGS on the Wii would be was on the GC and i was happy cause that was my fav metal gear solid game but it would be good if they had another
Final Fantasy

i think all final fantasy 1-6 should be converted into 3d for the wii that would be soo cool, they could make some great fmv's too. everyone has seen the ps3:eek:ut: tech demo of ff7 everyone wants it remade with better graphics well i think it should be on the remade for the wii with improved graphics of course, we really really do need a great ff game for the wii ffcc does not count lol
a star wars game??......while were at it forget Rogue squadron the should make the entire saga for the Wii ..........imagine battling darth vader with ur wii mote as ur light saber and each time u hit him the little speaker says "impressive but ur not a jedi yet...k......shhhhhhh" or obi wan kenobi saying use the force luke"

but what would reallly make me wet my pants is the light saber sound effect coming out of the wii mote.......... they should even make a wii mote resembling a light saber that comes bundled with the game