Game says ps3 launch is better than wii and 360

hotpotato78 said:
Where did you hear this from? the PS3 came out two days before the Wii. The 360 was out a year before both consoles... But anyway it doesn't matter. All that matters is, is that the wii is selling and is going to rock you people out of you all g-stringsssss lmao

Wii was out on the 5th of Dec here in Oz.. zz.. PS3 was the 23rd March... zz... :rolleyes:
retro_joe said:
Wii was out on the 5th of Dec here in Oz.. zz.. PS3 was the 23rd March... zz... :rolleyes:

well i don't know where you live but anyway. The PS3 came out on the 17th of november, when they had their little party and somebody shoot the next person or whatever. and the wii came out that sunday which was the 19th november.. But anyway lol people didn't what the ps3 because they bought it to auction it on ebay lmao. while the wii was sitting in people house being played, the Ps3 was on ebay getting layed lmao
In Europe, the PS3 just came out. However, it got only a lukewarm reception, nothing like the US. I remember Sony saying that the Europeans won't care about the delay. But honestly, I think Sony shot itself by giving the Wii time to build momentum in Europe. Perhaps the Europeans cared after all.
Shiftfallout said:
not picking on you, just going to fix the numbers.

PS3 is close to 2 million units sold. 360 is nearing 11 million, and the wii is in the low 5 million.

I expect to see the PS3 numbers jump much higher by next year due to the influx of games that will be released. The wii will most likely keep rising at the same pace, not slowing but also not jumping either, unless they start pumping out more units, since they tend to get bought right away. And who knows with the Xbox. A solid system with nothing all that unique. (however has some good MMORPG titles coming out for it)

you got that from, right? yeah, i was going to go with that number, but somebody else posted something from another site saying the wii was at 6 million. ill see if i can find it.

EDIT: yeah, here's the site:
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Fact news example: A meteor is going to crash into the Earth. A scientist comes on, lists some numbers.

Slanted news example: The meteor will probably decide to miss at the last second because we said so. The reporter checks their ego to make sure it drowns out the facts.