Game On: Nintendo Vs. Sony

T3kNi9e said:
Yeah, its extremely accurate. When you shoot you can either shoot at the hip (the way all fps look) or you can aim and look down the sights and it aims just like a real gun with great accuracy. You can level up, customize your guns with camo, attatchments and pick perks.

I'm picky when it comes to buyin', but this game sounds really good. You think the aiming is more accurate that Metroid Prime 3? Or is that a stretch?
Big_League_Slugger said:
The only reason why the PS3 started off "bad" is because the Wii did so above average. I think the PS3 had a good start but the Wii distorted what is good and bad.

No. The PS3 did do very bad at first, It had Sony stressing really bad because units were just sitting on shelves. One of my best friends worked at Toys R Us and he said people were buying about 3 PS3's a week. Wii shipments on the other hand were selling within minutes of arrival. About %75 of the people who waited in line to buy the PS3 just bought them to resell the units. I know cause I was in that line:cool:
jimbo said:
lol that guy is gay he contridics himself.

he says the wii (smg) has good graphics and if you look at ps3 games u wonder what the price is all about.

THEN says the wii lack of processing power.

I am sure as amny other people justify the ps3 being crap because no one is pushing it, it's the same for the wii, no one is pushing it!!!

You confused the hell outta me because his sexual orientation has nothing to do with his reasoning being flawed.
The PS3 is cool but stupid to be so expensive and even stupider for them to lie to us about it being WAY more powerful. It's not... simple as that and it's these things which are going to come to a boiling point. All of the hate was actually backlash about SONY telling us how powerful the PS2 was. Those lies are going to come back to haunt SONY, hell in a way they are. Then on top of that it just look like SONY doesn't even care as long as blue ray makes money. I mean it's like gamers do this every gen hell I did it with the dreamcast...LOL Case and point PS3 owners better buy some damn games! Hoping for the other guys to fail doesn't work too well it seems.

Also too the PS3 is doing slightly better than the xbox 360 in it's first year and in some cases worst. This is not a good thing unless the PS3 gets a halo! Will metal gear be the PS3's halo, or will it be FF? Even in the face of halo the Wii still stood strong though. So is there no hope of actually winning? it's seems a lot of people are talking and a lot is based off talking and less doing. So far PS3 owners and people who want to play PS exclusives are the only ones excited! Does this sound familiar... yeah it sounds like the game cube and nintendo fans. FF and metal gear are acting as if they are 1st party titles for this console but with out the weight of all the 3rd parties totally ignoring the other systems the PS is looking to be 3rd. Hey but PS3 owners can change this by actually buying what is good thats out right now.

No one win with out 3rd party success! Square will jump ship if things don't shape up. Even if this means making games for the freankin DS! It's not about specs any more... it's about what the consumers actually do rather than say.
Not defending the PS3 here, but processing power is used for everything not just graphics. Physics, and AI are huge processor hogs.

I'd also like to add, that looking back in hindsight, all three consoles failed. Where's the console with the amazing graphics AND the motion controls?
romj said:
You confused the hell outta me because his sexual orientation has nothing to do with his reasoning being flawed.

ffs i didnt mean it that way gay is a word i use a lot, i dont mean it in a sex kinda way just as another word for stupid