Game Informer gives NMH a 6/10 :/

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singhson: I agree, yet not entirely. Reader reviews aka people who own the game reviews aren't always reliable either. Infact usually its not reliable at all. They usually react depending on how reviewers. For example Halo 3/Bioshock got such great reviews that readers were being haters and give it a 1. Also games that are really horrible, for example... WWE vs RAW 2008 got bad reviews but then you see player reviews claiming its a 10. Thats why I like critic reviews. Because I look at games the same way a nonbiased critic does. Same with movies :p

WiitnessID said:
Cool So why write a thread if you don't care about it?

T3kNi9e said:
Anyway, not posting this to flame the game, posting because I remember alot of others saying they wanted to see GI review.

Does that answer your question?

You said you base your opinion on screenshots/videos/controller layout. Guess what? So do I, infact I do more than that. First when I hear about a game I first check wikipedia to see whats release date, genre, game modes, console, developer, etc. etc. Then I go to youtube/gametrailers and look at videos. Then I start reading reviews/previews about the game. I take all that, put it together to make a decision whether I buy a game.

You say, who's gonna buy anything if they listen to reviews. Well... the idiots can. Im pretty sure it doesn't make me the dumb one because I do research instead of looking at the box and buying it. Which btw... I have done that in the past with PS2 and I ended up with a shitload of trash games that I played once and tossed it. Some of those games I never finished.

Also I don't thnk you understood why I meant by me not caring. Simply even if its the greatest game ever, im not gonna regret buying it because I dont care that much about games. I couldn't afford to buy all the good games if I wanted to. I still haven't gotten Bioshock and that got a 10 at GI and overall score of 97/100. But I still don't care. Btw, whats up with all the "LOL", whats so funny?

BeaNo_Sco: SMG was repetitive also, but I guess because its Mario, its okay. As long as the "repetitive" thing is still fun it doesnt matter. But filling up gas is not a type of repetition I want to do. Also I find slack n hash games boring unless there is some type of award to it. For example a RPG game that gives you EXP for kills and you level up, find new items, etc. I personally liked both SMG's and AC's repetitive nature, AC was just plain fun and SMG has wierd innovative levels where you gotta get stars.

thas: yea im gonna rent it. I had 10 dollars to send a DS game to my brother so I have 8 dollars to throw away, im gonna go rent NMH. If I do like it, ill beat it and be done with it. I don't tend to come back to the same games unless the experience will be different or a long time passes by.

jimbo: no im not looking for a bad review, I was looking for GI review, I can't help it if they happen to give it a 6. Btw, your opinion doesn't even matter to me. Your that dipshit that threaten me with a shotty lol

Spinty: I agree, but sadly im still in college so I get very little money working a lame job. So I don't have the money to be spending $50-$60 on new games. So I can't be the one to buy any game and make my own opinion. I will end up buying alot of crap games than good games. Then that would be a waste of money.
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T3kNi9e said:
singhson: I agree, yet not entirely. Reader reviews aka people who own the game reviews aren't always reliable either. Infact usually its not reliable at all. They usually react depending on how reviewers. For example Halo 3/Bioshock got such great reviews that readers were being haters and give it a 1. Also games that are really horrible, for example... WWE vs RAW 2008 got bad reviews but then you see player reviews claiming its a 10. Thats why I like critic reviews. Because I look at games the same way a nonbiased critic does. Same with movies :p


Does that answer your question?

You said you base your opinion on screenshots/videos/controller layout. Guess what? So do I, infact I do more than that. First when I hear about a game I first check wikipedia to see whats release date, genre, game modes, console, developer, etc. etc. Then I go to youtube/gametrailers and look at videos. Then I start reading reviews/previews about the game. I take all that, put it together to make a decision whether I buy a game.

You say, who's gonna buy anything if they listen to reviews. Well... the idiots can. Im pretty sure it doesn't make me the dumb one because I do research instead of looking at the box and buying it. Which btw... I have done that in the past with PS2 and I ended up with a shitload of trash games that I played once and tossed it. Some of those games I never finished.

Also I don't thnk you understood why I meant by me not caring. Simply even if its the greatest game ever, im not gonna regret buying it because I dont care that much about games. I couldn't afford to buy all the good games if I wanted to. I still haven't gotten Bioshock and that got a 10 at GI and overall score of 97/100. But I still don't care. Btw, whats up with all the "LOL", whats so funny?

BeaNo_Sco: SMG was repetitive also, but I guess because its Mario, its okay. As long as the "repetitive" thing is still fun it doesnt matter. But filling up gas is not a type of repetition I want to do. Also I find slack n hash games boring unless there is some type of award to it. For example a RPG game that gives you EXP for kills and you level up, find new items, etc. I personally liked both SMG's and AC's repetitive nature, AC was just plain fun and SMG has wierd innovative levels where you gotta get stars.

thas: yea im gonna rent it. I had 10 dollars to send a DS game to my brother so I have 8 dollars to throw away, im gonna go rent NMH. If I do like it, ill beat it and be done with it. I don't tend to come back to the same games unless the experience will be different or a long time passes by.

jimbo: no im not looking for a bad review, I was looking for GI review, I can't help it if they happen to give it a 6. Btw, your opinion doesn't even matter to me. Your that dipshit that threaten me with a shotty lol

Spinty: I agree, but sadly im still in college so I get very little money working a lame job. So I don't have the money to be spending $50-$60 on new games. So I can't be the one to buy any game and make my own opinion. I will end up buying alot of crap games than good games. Then that would be a waste of money.

After saying all that and slaving over countless videos and every thing you still let one review decide what you wanted to do in the end. Either you wasted your time researching it or you are lieing...LOL Hey if GI is you gaming bible I understand no problems with that. And no if you did all of that research then there was some thing about this game you liked. Hey thanks for spreading the news though. Lots of people rely on GI for reviews...

Also too if you are at school go and look for the It jobs on campus... They are easy jobs believe me and very flexible. Good luck with school and I see your issue a little now. I skipped the saturn and got a n64. It's hard going to school and really if you can ax a game off the list then thats a good thing. Hey but when it's $12 you'll pick it up then.

Also good luck with school man what is your major by the way?
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I didn't research for hours :/ It only takes like 30 mins the first time then after updates it takes few minutes at a time. The research was leaning 50/50, but GI review made my decision.

But yea I do wait until price drops to pick up those games I didn't buy. I just don't like buying games at full price unless im really sure about it.

Im majoring Automotive Technology. I wanna get a normal job at a garage while renewing old muscle cars for myself. Along with doing side jobs for people for extra cash. Then in the future have my own garage of course :p
CantGetAWii said:
I wouldn't be so quick to jump in and quote him.
Considering he also said IGN ("your go to review site") can also be biased or has been in the past. Also, you talk about advertising? IGN has mad No More Heroes ads all over the site, some sites cannot be trusted clearly.
idk if you were referring to IGN being biased, but i specifically remember matt from IGN talking about how they dont do that crap, their ad team is totally different from their review team i think. either way IGN is deff the least biased review site or even publication out there IMO.

Game informer has been crap for years.
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You expect "Matt" to admit different?

Anyway, I heard/read about it on a post over a penny arcade. They had a statement from the guy who did it also. This was a few months back though. Anyway I don't entirely like IGN (though I dont hate them) because they have a "Wii team" that reviews Wii games. So when they rate the games they rate it compared to other Wii quality games instead of quality in overall games. Game Informer rates and reviews all console games as if all the games were on one console. So there's no "Its a great game... for the Wii" Its either a great game overall or not. Seeing as I own Wii/PS3/360 I dont want a review based on just Wii, but all games in general.
*Sigh* I must be the oddball. I shelled out 50 bucks for a game that sits on my shelf. I can't get into this game. None of us here at college like it too much.
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Ouch :/ Thats exactly what I can't afford to do seeing as I dont have a REAL job yet. Maybe in the future when I have money to waste, but right now that would truly be unacceptable. I start to really feel bad when that happens. I even try to psych myself out and try really really hard to like a game so I dont feel like its a waste.
^^ I know exactly what you mean. I sat down an entire evening trying to find the genius in the game, but I couldn't. I do feel bad because that money could have gone for something better...Rag on me all you want, but this game is overrated.
I think, in summary, "T3kNi9e", surely you'd agree, that one size does not fit all?
To an extent this applies to game critics, simply because one critic may without knowing may be biased, it's not like a commentator, a critic has to review and give "his" unbiased conclusion of the game. Basically what i'm saying is that Certain sritic's work for Certain people, and they work very well for them, but not for all, i mean what if a mother was looking for a game for his son.
The elements of a game she'll be looking for are not graphics or goryness, it might just be price.
For me, i'm just looking for a good multiplayer games, and DBZ games too, LOL.

In conclusion, i think, everyones got thier own style and way of doing there own research and making decisions on which games to purchase, because we can't all afford to buy the first thing that catches our eyes.
I think it's healthy that your introducing a new critic though, I'll hold this GI critic in high regard, because i do think everyone was hyping it up too!
It's healthy to have more than one source of info too.
And you don't agree with any opinions i heard some people just rent em!
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threatened you with a shooty? wat

lol :lol:

i just meant theres like a lot of good reviews this wont stop many people buying thegames i dont see sales falling much buy it.
It can go both ways...

It's possible that an abnormally high score has something else driving it besides the actual content and enjoyability of the game. Advertising revenue being the most obvious.

It's also possible that an abnormally low score has something else driving it besides the actual content and enjoyability of the game i.e. "We see things that no other game reviewer can see; we are smarterer than the rest."

It's also cool to hate on what's popular at the time for some people. Not that they necessarily hate what they're hating on, they just want to be different than the majority of the crowd.
Ashwii00 said:
^^ I know exactly what you mean. I sat down an entire evening trying to find the genius in the game, but I couldn't. I do feel bad because that money could have gone for something better...Rag on me all you want, but this game is overrated.

See thats why you don't buy stuff based on reviews! You rent it or either educate your self about it. Lots of people will hate this game and lots will like it so it seems. It's like tom clancy players be won't like quake 3 because it's unrealistic. Really this game is made for people thats around suda age. We are out of school and we are making money and we miss this kind of game. You have to remember every reviewer does not think exactly as you do. So why buy a game based off of a review? Do you go to an art gallery with out knowing what they art is about?

For you to like this game you are going to have to love the characters and the bosses and the craziness. This is key... It's sort of reminds me of how game design was back in the day. You didn't worry about the back ground much and you actually would rather it contrast with the characters and all of the art was thrown into the character art. A building was a building nothing more...

Another thing too is why the hell are you looking for genius? Go play killer 7 for that this is suda going mindless hardcore with a twist.. like punk.. LOL daf punk even.... LOL The story is pretty entertaining for a game story too... Since you have it you should play it more it may grow on you. This game is not for conservatives at all. A lot is not spelled out for you so if you are really hardcore then you will get it because thats what the whole game is about... he is an otaku if you know what that means and kotaku isn't even close to what a real otaku is.
I rented this game a week ago, and it was a decent game. Enjoyable at parts, but boring in others. There's plenty of blood and gore to go around, and the graphics are up-par. Gameplay is slow at times, but enjoyable nevertheless. I'd give it around a 7.5-8 at most.

Also, I'm wondering if Gamespot actually gave NMH a 9.0 to get their site more revenue and popularity...I just wonder..
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I didnt make my decision 100% on GI. It was going 50/50 and GI just tipped it for me. The style of the game is unique but I wasn't really feeling it that much. Their were things making me like it and dislike it and GI just helped me make that last decision.

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