Game Informer gives NMH a 6/10 :/

T3kNi9e said:
I didnt make my decision 100% on GI. It was going 50/50 and GI just tipped it for me. The style of the game is unique but I wasn't really feeling it that much. Their were things making me like it and dislike it and GI just helped me make that last decision.

Why would you even bother with this trash of a game when you haven't even played Bioshock yet? For shame. If I owned a 360, it'd be one of the firs titles that I'd pick up.
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I got most of the AAA titles on 360 but I haven't gotten Bioshock because IMO FPS games that are only around 15-20 hours thats only single player isnt worth $60 no matter how good they are. Why? Because I can just wait until price drops to atleast $30 then buy it. I mean, its not like im missing out on anything if I wait right?

Oh btw, I was never gonna buy NMH at full price. I would have to be an idiot to do that IMO. Even if the reviews were all 9's+ because its just single player and its not that long. Games worth full price are games that offer huge replayability. For example Oblivion and its 100+ hours of gaming, Gears of War with its online (plus it got great reviews), Call of Duty 4, Mass Effect, The Orange Box (5 games, who can argue), etc. Any other game I wait for price drop.

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