Gaijin Games Unveil New BIT.TRIP RUNNER Trailer-1.052010-03-06 10:33:17Maura S

Gajin Games have today released a trailer for their forthcoming *WiiWare Game, BIT.TRIP RUNNER, the fourth in the BIT.TRIP series (BEAT, CORE and VOID are the previous three ). The series has understandably built up a big following, with critics and fans alike loving the quirky retro look of the games and the simple-but-addictive fun of the old-school arcade-style gameplay. You just can’t help but smile after seeing the trailer, and* many are saying that this is the best of the four games so far. This is what Alex Neuse, Gaijin Games designer, had to say about the BIT.TRIP series:
“The Gaijin Games team wanted to make a game that used the tools of today to inspire the fun of yesterday. Our goal was to make a game that was as simple in gameplay as the games of the early ‘80s and equally as fun, even though gamers’ tastes have changed over the years. And let’s face it, sometimes a really good videogame is just awesome.”
Click here to view the embedded video.
No word as yet on the WiiWare release date, although Gaijin say “we’re guessing summer-ish” on their Twitter page.