FWELR and Mau's SSBB Tourney

Expect me to avenge my fellow idiot comp's actions, Stranger, when SSB:B comes out! Expect it!
I'd do it, 'cept that I can't really record my game play. :(
I could always download a ROM, but I highly doubt I'd be as good. :lol:
Hmm the next results will be posted tonight :D
Like I said before, I'm betting Falco and Fox are gonna move on :p
Y'alls predictions?
me hopefully!

idk though marth and fox are same tier, so it should be interesting to see the vids
Ok, sorry for the delay people, we had issues with videos... half of them are ready.
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yes, by that he means i wasn't here. was gone all day today (actually, its yesterday now). hopefully, they should be up by 3 PM today (Thursday)
Damn, out in the first round. Yoshi with the win. :prrr:

Sharks are going down though. Down I say!
can i join ....i Guess not. also is this online or simulation with the torniment
edit: if simulation i will be white kirby and name is dja
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alright guys, i'm having a little trouble getting the video up, but ill give you the results:

MM beat FWELR 2-1

JIMI beat ASHE 1-0

ill keep trying to get the video up. just give me a little bit.
lol, JIMI is me, go fox!!! my name is jimi cuz i couldnt think of anything cept my hendrix qoute. so ya. but w00t! all the way fox!!!!
ok here is how the chart looks...


now, the finals of both brackets are going to be out by sunday night. good luck

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