FWELR and Mau's SSBB Tourney

Blasted Fox!
Use tactics Ness, tactics! Don't do your pasny punches!
It'll be a miracle if I win.
CAN SOMEONE ENLIGHTEN ME ON HOW THIS WORKS?? (you can PM me so I don't have spam up this thread any longer...)
Bring it! I still have faith in the bumble bee!

Anybody know where the videos will be?

I just noticed there will be a time limit for 3mins o_O I stand a chance! I'll maul you Stranger!
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ssbb_lover said:
CAN SOMEONE ENLIGHTEN ME ON HOW THIS WORKS?? (you can PM me so I don't have spam up this thread any longer...)

16 entrants , you may choose any character (except Bowser and Ganondorf, I says) and the color of the character, duplicates allowed, just not of the same color, also include the name you want to show up on the screen
all cpus, level 9

2 brackets of 8 (semis and finals of each bracket will be on video)
1 single match between the bracket winners (also on video)
all matches on Final Destination
no items

the fights are 3 minutes each with three lives
the final match (winners of both brackets) is going to be 5 minutes with 5 lives
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As promise.... results are here...


now, the semi finals of this 2 brackets are going to be on video.

the results and videos are going to be up by wednesday night...

edit: chart got edited, I put how many kills per side at first
now is correct, the numbers on the bottom, are lives remaining at the end
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just wanted to let everybody know, the numbers there are the lives that were remaining when the clock ran out.

o, and half_empty, it looked like you had me, but with 5 seconds left, roy used his B up attack and sent luigi flying to tie it.
demonflair said:
I lost:mad2:

Hope to see something cool in this tournament.

almost sudden death, young link had about 200% + damage
Horray -_- computer Ness. Heh.
My bet is on Fox and Falco being in the finals :p

Ohh lives left huh? Hehe second best fight then :p
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