Future Channels

Awesome thread! I would like music channel for mp3s (even ipods), online play of course, and I think that the demo idea is brilliant.d
a demo channell, an online update/gaming channell were you go on and choose a game and download all the updates and then play online and then a TV channell were you can watch TV from any country in the world
Pokemon Snap Channel.

I really hope they make a demo channel as someone above me would have already suggested. That would be best. And Wii News, with news only about Wii and games. If there already is that, I can't Wii online so sorry.
Media Channel (music, movies, tv shows)- Xbox Live has somewhat like this.

Wii chat- so i can turn on my wii and when online play is available we can all chat with groups of ppl to see what games we should all play.
Everyone is saying the same damn thing :mad5:

Only thing I want is it to be more community involved, that is what annoys me about Nintendo they think too much of security and crap (like AOL) This is why we need to both put in "friend codes".

They should make it more involved with an actual Wii Forum which is only accessed by the Wii, some leader boards etc.
All I want is less security and some online play. I don't need any fancy internet stuff becuase I already have a computer. I'll never use the News or Forecast channels they've already given me becuase I have a TV.
Music channel would be nice, and also it be cool to play your mp3's when playing WiiSports or other games. Just like the Xbox did, you can use your custom tracks to replace the tracks the game originally came with.
I hope Nintendo can enchance the Mii channel.

eg. find Miis to play online games, weekly update of skins, and be able to use the wii-mote to do gestures
I hope for a score board channel, so the games get more replay value.

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