FUN: Elimation game, using Nintendo's best games


WiiChat Member
Jan 2, 2007
Mod Note. Please keep this thread in the Chat forum if at all possible. Thanks,

Ok. Here are the rules.

Here are the rules:

You only vote once per hour.

Each games starts with a total of 3 points. What you do is add one to one game's point total and subtract from another's. You don't need any particular rationale as to why you add or subtract from somebody, it's just a fun passtime to keep activity in the forum going. This thread is not designed to argue what game should or should not be on the list as well. Update the tally after you go. When a player hits zero they are gone. Eliminate the person from the list when they are gone.

You are responsible for making sure that the score is tallied correctly, so be sure totals are correct as you go.

Here is the game list that I created. Please do not flame for having/not having a game on the list. That is not what this game is designed to do.

That said, here are the games.

(N64) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3
(N64) Super Mario 64 3
(GC) Metroid Prime 3
(GC) Resident Evil 4 3
(Wii) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 3
(Wii) Wii Sports 3
(NES) Super Mario Bros. 3
(NES) Super Mario 3 3
(NES) Legend of Zelda 3
(SNES) Super Mario World 3
(N64) Goldeneye 3
(N64) Starfox 3
(N64) Mario Kart 64 3
(SNES) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 3
(N64) Paper Mario 3
(GC) Super Smash Bros Melee 3
(N64) Perfect Dark 3
(NES) Mike Tyson's Punchout 3
(NES) Tecmo Bowl 3
(N64) Banjo Kazooie 3
(NES) Final Fantasy 3
(NES) Contra 3
(SNES) Earthbound 3
(SNES) Super Metroid 3
(SNES) Chrono Trigger 3
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #2
+1 to Resident Evil 4
-1 to Starfox

(N64) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (3)
(N64) Super Mario 64 (3)
(GC) Metroid Prime (3)
(GC) Resident Evil 4 (4)
(Wii) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (3)
(Wii) Wii Sports (3)
(NES) Super Mario Bros. (3)
(NES) Super Mario 3 (3)
(NES) Legend of Zelda (3)
(SNES) Super Mario World (3)
(N64) Goldeneye (3)
(N64) Starfox (2)
(N64) Mario Kart 64 (3)
(SNES) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (3)
(N64) Paper Mario (3)
(GC) Super Smash Bros Melee (3)
(N64) Perfect Dark (3)
(NES) Mike Tyson's Punchout (3)
(NES) Tecmo Bowl (3)
(N64) Banjo Kazooie (3)
(NES) Final Fantasy (3)
(NES) Contra (3)
(SNES) Earthbound (3)
(SNES) Super Metroid (3)
(SNES) Chrono Trigger (3)

(N64) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2
(N64) Super Mario 64 3
(GC) Metroid Prime 3
(GC) Resident Evil 4 3
(Wii) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 3
(Wii) Wii Sports 3
(NES) Super Mario Bros. 3
(NES) Super Mario 3 3
(NES) Legend of Zelda 3
(SNES) Super Mario World 3
(N64) Goldeneye 4
(N64) Starfox 3
(N64) Mario Kart 64 3
(SNES) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 3
(N64) Paper Mario 3
(GC) Super Smash Bros Melee 3
(N64) Perfect Dark 3
(NES) Mike Tyson's Punchout 3
(NES) Tecmo Bowl 3
(N64) Banjo Kazooie 3
(NES) Final Fantasy 3
(NES) Contra 3
(SNES) Earthbound 3
(SNES) Super Metroid 3
(SNES) Chrono Trigger 3

Added 1 to Goldeneye, removed 1 from Ocarina of Time.

Is this correct?

By the way, you might want to re-arrange them in alphabetical order by system, lot easier to read and likely to get more responses.
add to perfect dark (+1) and minus from mike tysons punch out (-1)

(N64) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2
(N64) Super Mario 64 3
(GC) Metroid Prime 3
(GC) Resident Evil 4 3
(Wii) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 3
(Wii) Wii Sports 3
(NES) Super Mario Bros. 3
(NES) Super Mario 3 3
(NES) Legend of Zelda 3
(SNES) Super Mario World 3
(N64) Goldeneye 4
(N64) Starfox 3
(N64) Mario Kart 64 3
(SNES) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 3
(N64) Paper Mario 3
(GC) Super Smash Bros Melee 3
(N64) Perfect Dark 4
(NES) Mike Tyson's Punchout 2
(NES) Tecmo Bowl 3
(N64) Banjo Kazooie 3
(NES) Final Fantasy 3
(NES) Contra 3
(SNES) Earthbound 3
(SNES) Super Metroid 3
(SNES) Chrono Trigger 3

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