Full Body Typist


WiiChat Member
May 1, 2010
Ha, my post title makes me sound like a fat typist, which is what I am becoming. I KNOW NOTHING about wii beyond what I tried out myself at Best Buy. When I have time to play, I get the heck out of doors, AWAY from the computer. But, I write and program for so many hours a day, a real joy in my life, that I am getting fatter and fatter.

I will look for various places on this site for posting about my question, but I want to make sure SOMEONE who knows something will see this idea:

Does wii have an interface so I can stand up and move my whole body very actively to enter text into an application? Could it take the place of my keyboard and mouse/trackball/trackpad/graphics pad etc?

Thanks for reading.
Short answer


Bit longer.
The Wii uses a on screen keyboard for its internet browser and the Wiimote becomes a pointer.

Kinda funny one
You could always get a wireless keyboard and dance around while typing
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Short answer


Bit longer.
The Wii uses a on screen keyboard for its internet browser and the Wiimote becomes a pointer.

Kinda funny one
You could always get a wireless keyboard and dance around while typing

After seeing this vid, I thought maybe...

...or I could put one of those mini pedal-while-watching-tv gadgets under my desk...
...or I could use a speech to text program and tape the mic to my face...

so far none too inspiring ideas :(

But thanks for telling me about the wiimote with a browser--I'll look into that more. :)

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