Friend Codes for Endless Ocean


Nintendo Vet
Dec 31, 2007
Chicago, IL
Wii Online Code
I'm finding it difficult to find others with Endless Ocean. I looked in the Gaming forum on here and found only 4 people with the game that posted their friend codes. Did anyone pick up this game? I'm loving it and am looking for fellow scuba divers! Maybe we can make an Endless Ocean sticky in the game forum to trade codes with? Anyone interested, lets exchange friends codes!
Just bought the game today and I'm also looking for persons online. My friend code is listed below with my wii number.

Wii # > 1305-7714-3945-9876
Endless Ocean friend Code > 4805-8452-2115
what exactly do you DO in endless ocean? from what i've seen, it just looks like an interactive screen saver. :wtf:
then you've obviously not seen enough.

it's practically an adventure game in which you can interact with just about anything, and for the price it's currently going for, it's making the bigger, more expensive titles look bad.

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