Friday the 22nd, Amazon Gold Box Deals on Wii Games

[disappointment] where's battallion wars 2? [/disappointment]
i'm an american, so that really isn't much of a discount =/
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It doesn't look like BW2 will be one of them from the descriptions.
Ca-ching! Snagged me Fire Emblem!

Anyways, does anybody know what the last game is? Or the one that says it's a Wii classic?
Skorp said:
Super Paper Mario - $29.99

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - $29.99 - Discounted Copied All Sold
An epic tale of swords and beasts for fantasy and role-playing Wii gamers.

Next: A must-have game for sci-fi-loving Wii owners. A.K.A Metroid

Then: Move to town, turn it around, and make it bustle with life. A sim-ple pleasure! A.K.A MySims

Then: You'll have big super happy fun fun with this Wii classic.A.K.A Hard to many party games...I'll guess Galaxy.

My two cents^^
i think big super happy fun fun is a quote from the simpsons game if im not mistaken

even if u put a search on google for big super happy fun fun the simpson game comes up

sim-ple is prolly the sims
illmasaki said:
i think big super happy fun fun is a quote from the simpsons game if im not mistaken

even if u put a search on google for big super happy fun fun the simpson game comes up

sim-ple is prolly the sims

Never played simpsons game so you may well be right!
I snagged Super Paper Mario at 12 am this morning. Logged in at 6:07am and Fire Emblem was already gone; meh, s'ok. Hopefully the 10am will be Lego Star Wars, if so, I'm going to try to grab it. Not interested in MP3 or Geometry Wars.

2pm has to be a Sims game. My money is on The Simpsons game at 6pm...
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Personally, I'm hoping for Geometry Wars. A generous discount on that would give me a good excuse to buy it. :p
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The lightning deals seem to be going super super fast. So if you want one you gotta be there right as the timer finishes.

Damn I shoulda bought metroid to sell on ebay!

I hope the last one is excite truck.
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gahhh now i REALLY regret buying metroid for $50

i mean it's a great game, but i just don't think single player games should be priced the same as those with multiplayer.

unless it's mario or zelda. because mario + zelda > all.

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