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  • #16
Clean my act up? im not the one that seems to think they are all high and mighty, also swearing every second word doesn't make you look very respectable or decent in anyway.
I am not acting high and mighty as you say, I said at first that you should not do this, and you answer back. I don't feel sorry for you, I pity you. :mad5:
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  • #19
lee.jarratt said:
^ Why dont you re-read the thread. Now see who got owned? Certainly not me, maybe you dont know the defination of 'owned'.

Also it seems like you are getting alittle defensive, why would that be? is it because you feel insecure about your E-penis? or is it that the internet is the only this you are good at and now that you are being made fun of you are feeling like your will to live is deminishing.
Me getting defensive, look at you. You just keep posting on here, it wouldnt of been this way if you just left or not posted in the first place.
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  • #21
lee.jarratt said:
I am not acting high and mighty as you say, I said at first that you should not do this, and you answer back. I don't feel sorry for you, I pity you. :mad5:

umm actually I believe your words where not "you should not do this" they where actually.
"You prick.
Your not wanted here, neither is all your other advertising spammer mates.
You IDIOT. Now leave.
Yeh, because im pissed off at how many members who join everyday who do this. It's common, just like you.
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  • #24
lee.jarratt said:
Me getting defensive, look at you. You just keep posting on here, it wouldnt of been this way if you just left or not posted in the first place.

umm so what? you keep posting too, why do I have to leave? I have the same rights as you, and have the freedom to what I want.

This is against forum rules.

You dont know how many times this has been posted.

The defination of owned is a present tense of owning something, it was your'se then you lost position of it either by choice or not.

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SirGray said:
umm so what? you keep posting too, why do I have to leave? I have the same rights as you, and have the freedom to what I want.

Until you get banned that is.
Now I am going to stop posting as I dont feel like wasting any more time on this thread.
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  • #27
well I know you broke 4 rules

1. Be Welcoming!
When newcomers arrive, welcome them to our growing community. Many of our community's senior members are a wealth of knowledge and have much to share. Help new members learn about how to find information and resources, save time, and how to get involved in the Community.

2. Be Courteous!
Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully ... without insult and personal attack.

3. No Flaming
Flaming is defined as personal attacks or insults on another person regarding the persons religion/views/knowledge etc. Though we encourage healthy discussion and debate, a certain point comes in which an insult turns personal, and this is strongly discouraged via both public forums and the messenger. Reports of such abuse will usually result in a warning; multiple abuses will result in a Ban.

4. No Trolling
The inverse side of Flaming, Trolling is defined by trying to make others insult you. Posts such as "PS3 sux" would be considered trolling, as it is a purposeful act meant to result in argument. Users in violation of this will be Banned. Feeding the trolls is considered equally against the rules.
We cannot welcome a thread like this. It's advertising to give your self a advantage. You didnt use the search tool as this thread has been posted to much. Trolling.

What personal attack?

That was from lee.
Cpt.McCloud said:
We cannot welcome a thread like this. It's advertising to give your self a advantage. You didnt use the search tool as this thread has been posted to much. Trolling.

What personal attack?

That was from lee.

Personal attack?
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  • #30
Cpt.McCloud said:
We cannot welcome a thread like this. It's advertising to give your self a advantage. You didnt use the search tool as this thread has been posted to much. Trolling.

What personal attack?

That was from lee.

No I didn't mean you, it was lee who broke rules.
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