Hi, I found a website where you can get some video games stuff very easily. There is alot of prizes like Xbox 360, PS3, PSP Go, DSi, Wii, Macbook, Ipod touch, video games, ...
You can obtain those for free only by collecting points when you log in the website, or answer simple questions, watch video, ... Those points are easily collected and in a month, you could have enough points to get yourself a free ipod touch or a PS3 ...
This is not a survey website and it's legitimate. One of the founder is Kathy Savitt that was also a founder of Amazon.com and American Eagle. This new website is called Lockerz.
The only thing is to get access to the site, you need to be invited by an insider. So I'm giving invite to get into that site if you want to obtain free stuff. Juste send me a email to: lockerz_invite@live.ca and I will send you an invite.
Be prepare when you sign up, there is a little game that you play to get bonus points at start up and it's a one time only. So prepare yourself and get the maximum of points
Email: lockerz_invite@live.ca
You can obtain those for free only by collecting points when you log in the website, or answer simple questions, watch video, ... Those points are easily collected and in a month, you could have enough points to get yourself a free ipod touch or a PS3 ...
This is not a survey website and it's legitimate. One of the founder is Kathy Savitt that was also a founder of Amazon.com and American Eagle. This new website is called Lockerz.
The only thing is to get access to the site, you need to be invited by an insider. So I'm giving invite to get into that site if you want to obtain free stuff. Juste send me a email to: lockerz_invite@live.ca and I will send you an invite.
Be prepare when you sign up, there is a little game that you play to get bonus points at start up and it's a one time only. So prepare yourself and get the maximum of points
Email: lockerz_invite@live.ca