FPS Schematic Idea


Nov 22, 2006
Wii Online Code
First of, Red Steel is a great game yet it could've been "da bomb," if they tweaked it out. Apparently, it seemed that the game was rushed. But I won't belly ache about it, up until now, I don't want to play it because i'd be playing it for hours... :wtf:

Anyway, some ideas that I want to point out of what could be a "kick-ass" FPS.

- Anyone who has played Red Steel could agree that you can't help but to extend and suspend your arm in mid-air. That said, eventually your arm get tired and you'd drop it waist level and it doesn't seem to be a good experience.
So this is my idea on how to reduce that:
* There will be two positions: Rest/Reload Mode and Gun Mode
* Rest/Reload Mode is activated when you retract the wii-mote towards you.
* In Rest/Reload Mode, the gun is holstered and the pointer could acts like a hand to grab items or to scan for items...
* In Rest/Reload Mode, well, you rest your arms. Put it next to your waist or what not...
* Gun Mode is activated when you jab the wii-mote forward.
* In Gun Mode, you take out your gun and blast people away.

- A Button acts as the “Precision Aiming”

- B Button acts as, guess what, the “Trigger” and in Rest Mode as “Grab”

- The Nunchuk Controller acts like a blunt sidearm weapon. What angle you swing it is the angle translated to the game. Thrust it forward would translate as a, you know, "forward thrust."

- The Nunchuk Controller becomes a grenade or throwable item when the C button is held. Do a throwing motion and let go by releasing the C Button. You could also throw random items that can be picked up by activating “Rest Mode” and grabbing an item with the wii-mote.

- The Nunchuk Controller becomes “positioning” when the Z button is held. The positioning has 3 degrees: Crouch, Stand and Jump. While the Z button is held, flick the Nunchuk down to go down a degree. Flick it up to go up a degree.

For a game concept, I don't know... Tell me what you think about the schematics; too hard, too complicate, sounds right?
or you could just stop playing the game like a normal person and take a break...not having to rest ON the game.
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TAKE A BREAK??? :yikes:

...sounds like a good idea.
My only qualm is with the aiming: the whole screen-box thing really irritates this PC gamer. As soon as developers figure out to just have the crosshair float in the center like a traditional PC shooter, I'll be happy.
It took me a while to get the hang of the aiming system. The only real trick to it is once you start turning, stop moving your right hand or you'll have a really hard time stopping turning.

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