FPS Games


\\Slash Bros.//
Jul 25, 2007
Wii Online Code
Are there any FPS games comming out or out that has REAL guns like m16's and such. or are there any fps games out already like that besides Redsteel, and it doesnt have to p be first person it could be like RE-4 and such, or is there any war/army games commin out for the wii
Well, there's COD and Medal of Honour games. Never really been into those kind of games personally, but you may like them.

There's a new Medal of Honour game that will have 32-player online. Also, Battalion Wars 2 from Nintendo will also be out soon and have online play as well.
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those are okay but im more into modern war such as COD-4 Which is not commin to the wii ****************************************F************FFF******************

i mean like modern war games with modern guns such as GRAW2 (commin to wii?) the hting about Medal of honor and COD-3 is its all Old guns and old war. lookin for some modern wars
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what about GRAW 2 is it coommin to the wii?
@ Brownies
it's a rumor. We'll know more on the "release" date which is said to be September 18th. If nothing happens, it won't come out ;)

Another FPS would be Far Cry Vengeance, but it's far from enjoyable.
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Nice lists. GRAW was way too hard for me on the PC and I have a feeling I won't like it on the Wii. I like the Time Crisis series, and the Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, etc...

Would you guys recommend CoD for someone coming from PC-gaming? I'm way used to keyboard & mouse versus controllers, but would it be as enjoyable?
I have enjoyed the Call of Duty games that I have played on the PS2 and 360. I imagine that COD on the Wii would be a better experience when using the Wiimote. I'm looking forward to more FPS titles on my Wii even though there are others on the 360 with far superior graphics. At some point, developers are going to realize they can't ignore the Wii any more and will bring games like COD4, GRAW, Rainbow 6, and others to the platform and lower the graphics somewhat to accommodate the hardware.
Red Steel, Red Steel 2 (Out soon)
Medal Of Honor
Call Of Duty 3
Resident Evil : UC
Brothers In Arms
Metroid Prime 3
Samurai Warriors
Gundam MS Front 0079
Splinter Cell is modern and pretty fun. and its a cheap game too at only 30 bucks. and that ghost squad game is a remake of an on-rails arcade game. hardly what your looking for im sure. but ill be picking it up.

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