FPS Games, what hardware - Ebay any good?


WiiChat Member
Jul 18, 2007
Bangkok, Thailand
One of the luckiest guy on the planet??? since I just got my wife a wii for her birthday - in all honesty requested by her and no lobbying whatsoever - TRUE!
As an experienced FPS player on the pc I am now ready to explore this aspect of gaming on the wii. But I would request some help from the experienced wii user in this respect.

1) What kind of guns do you use for RE, CoD, MoH etc? I see ebay has a lot on offer....but are they decent quality and actually give you a better FPS experience?

2) EBAY any good for general accessories like chargers etc. A seller you would reccomend? Since I am currently living in Bangkok I would save a fortune in shipping by shopping from a Hong Kong store.

3) These sellers any good?

Thanks for any help
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i suggest www.play.com. very reliable. Also the wii zapper is coming out from nintendo. It can be used for MOH: heroes 2 (online 32 player mode), umbrealla chrincles and other FPS'.
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Hi and thanks for feedback, allthough I think Play.com is not an option...
1) "We currently only send electronics and gadgets to UK addresses"
2) NO Items whatsoever are shipped to Bangkok
3) Anyway their selection of goods seemed limited

...there must be some better shops out there... No experience from HK shops guys?

I've used brando for PDA gear before, had no problems. YMMV.

However, I've yet to see any gun 'attachment' that's worth having. When I play FPS, I just use the wiimote, and honestly, using the wiimote trigger feels pretty good. If you'll look, that brando gun presses the wiimote button mechanically. I doubt that really feels very responsive. I assume you'll also need to juggle if you need to use the dpad or A button.

I haven't tried them myself, but my gut tells me it's all trash. Gimicky plastic wrappers and nothing more. Give me a real gun controller that's replaced those necessary buttons in a reachable position, has a real trigger, and yeah, I think that could improve the experience. It would also be more expensive. I think the Wii, out of the box, has enormous potential for FPS (MoHH2 comes this year with 32x player online), so it's a little sad this whole gun thing has gone the way it has.

If you do try one, post back and let people know what you think.
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Thanks Wiinter
I might as well do it. BIN price around 5 US and shipping not too expensive. Might try the whole bunch of accsessories incl sports pack, gun and some China chargers.
If I do go ahead I will surely post my experiences here.
Wii Gun

First off , I buy all my wii games ,acessories on ebay best place to buy wii stuff. I heard that wii was coming out with a gun with a trigger not the one you put the remote in.

wii's first major fps is coming out before x-mas, medal of honour is promising 32 player online with use of the wii zapper. this will be wii's first online fps

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cma16 said:
First off , I buy all my wii games ,acessories on ebay best place to buy wii stuff. I heard that wii was coming out with a gun with a trigger not the one you put the remote in.


1) Are there any specific accessories you would reccomend getting from ebay?
2) When you say that wii is comming out with a gun - do you mean Nintendo is developing a remote shaped/formed and to act as a "gun-remote"? Have you got any links/references on the issue? Sounds very cool though!
Ebay is the best

I think nintendo is coming out with the gun. I do not have alot of ebay sellers I buy from, but with a good searching and bidding all the remotes, games sport paks, remote covers all are alot cheaper than the stores, I got spiderman,tony hawk downhill, madden 2007,callof duty, all from ebay for $20 dollars or less each, I got three remotes never used with the plastics still on the remotes for $60 dollars,That was my best deal to day.
weedude said:
1) Are there any specific accessories you would reccomend getting from ebay?
2) When you say that wii is comming out with a gun - do you mean Nintendo is developing a remote shaped/formed and to act as a "gun-remote"? Have you got any links/references on the issue? Sounds very cool though!

The official Wii Zapper was unveiled at E3 07. I don't think it has a release date, but games that support special zapper moves come out this year.

A lot of people aren't thrilled with the look, the prefer the e3 06 zapper pictured above. Personally, my only complaint is the same I have against the other guns. No real button replacements (though Zapper supporting games will likely make up for that with extra motions), and the B button is being pressed by a middlebutton just like on that Brando gun. If it were a real controller, I might be interested, but it's still a plastic wrap. Maybe after it and supporting games come out, I'll change my mind.

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