Fox News on Mass Effect Sex Scene

I think this Cooper woman should play the game before ranting about it. She's the type of woman who relys on research and statistics for support rather than a hands-on experience.

I'm with Geoff from Spike TV on this one.
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Who isn't with Geoff. That's why I like what Adam said at the end of the video, "Although I haven't read your book, it sucks."
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Even Jack Thompson himself is against Fox...
Believe it or not Jack Thompson and I email sorta regularly. Granted he usually emails me bizarre, over-the-top press releases (which I often don't post) and I respond with disjointed quotes from movies, which I hope will one day remove that last wobbly hinge of his. (No luck yet).

Last week Jack emailed me a press release entitled "Grand Theft Auto IV to Be Released April 29; Culture War Begins Now" and after my typical poking, I got on to the topic of the Mass Effect controversy and was shocked, literally out of my socks, to find him defending the game... sort of. Apparently, even anti-gaming crusader Jack Thompson found self-help author Cooper Lawrence (who he refers to as a man), uninformed and the entire controversy contrived. Hellooooo kettle.

To: Brian
From: Jack
Immediate News Release - January 24, 2008
Grand Theft Auto IV to Be Released April 29; Culture War Begins Now

To: Jack
From: Brian
I like your new glasses.

To: Brian
From: Jack
Wow, as usual you're grasping the real news here.

To: Jack
From: Brian
I'm surprised you haven't been looking into Mass Effect.

To: Brian
From: Jack
Why would you be surprised. I don't see any problem with it. The guy who shot his mouth off about it had no idea what the Hell he was talking about.

To: Jack
From: Brian
You mean you're OK with mass effect?

To: Brian
From: Jack
Of course. This contrived controversy is absolutely ridiculous. Report that, why don't you?

Consider it reported. Now where did my socks go?
so i just bought this game yesterday and i must say it is fricking awesome. this thread/news story actually inspired me to go buy it instead of unreal tournament 3 haha. it's epic and ive only completed the prolouge and chapter 1 (8ch total)
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Haven't gotten a chance to play, but this is making more and more tempted to buy a 360 and Mass Effect.
Wait, If Your Character Is a Guy... Alright, Makes Sense...

But What If Your Character Is A WOMAN...?

...Awesome. XD
yeah you can make ita lesbian sex scene if you want.. way to be mature about it.

i returend the game. it was awesome and all but i dont have that kind of time/patience to invest in a game like mass effect. i bought unreal tournament 3 for PS3 instead and it's awesome! they actually put user-created content for download. they are having a map-creating contest now i beleive. slick ****.

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