For the ones that appreciate good literature

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i gotta mention a book that so many people read while they were in elementery school.


i read it with my class years ago, and to this ay i love that book, i read it when im out of books to read simply because it doesnt get old
I like alot of the youth classics. Like the Narnia series. I liked A Wrinkle in Time etc. Ya know, that series. Its funny because I've become quite anti-Christian in my teen years. I suppose since its not the Christian norm.

The Giver, Private Peaceful, Catcher in the Rye, and To Kill A Mockingbird were always good. The Rat of NIMH has alway had a special place in my heart. Running with Scissors and Look me in the Eye are superb. Animal farm and 1984 are schweeeeeet!!! An American Tragedy is... good.

The Witches and James and the Giant Peach!! Don't like 'em? Go jump in a lake!!!

Jack London novels White Fang and Call of the Wild are good.

Brave new World. Carrie. I luffs all of those.

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