Flippin off the Target Line


WiiChat Member
Oct 14, 2006
OK, so went to my Gamestop last night at about 11:30. I turned in my receipts and was given the "final" receipt tagged with a number 7. And oh boy, as soon as I got that receipt a large gamestop bag was lifted to the table with a great 7 taped to the bag, and the employees quickly began to stuff the bag with all my goodies. Jeeze, talk about a half-hour tease. I ran to Tacobell, ordered something which I was too excited to eat, ran back, parked and just waited.
I then started chatting it up with some fellow pre-orderers, who eagerly pointed to the SuperTarget in the same promenade. There were about 60 people camped out front. Upon seeing this, the wheels began turning. About seven of us pacted together and said as soon as we received our bags we'd pile into our cars and do a little parade past the lineup.
So there I was, 12:04 am, driving to Target. I quickly palmed the Wii box with my left hand pressing it hard against the Driver side window along with the other seven cars. We honked our horns, turned on our high beams, cranked loud music, and totally woke those guys up. Just flashing our Wiis, :yikes:.
I've never seen so many birds in one sitting, but jeeze was it satisfying. I'm so happy I camped out two months ago.
I know, it's mean spirited, but you know you'd do the same thing if you could.
No I wouldn't. Its pretty immature. I wish there was a tacobell down under...anyway good story, i wish I could go to a midnight launch...
It would be funny of course if I were one of the fellow pre-orderers, but if I had been camped out for a day or so, and a some dicks like you drove by me like that, I would have probably thrown something at you. =P I don't say Dicks offensively, because well, I didn't have to camp out to get my Wii, but if I had, then yeah, I would have meant it offensively. =P I'm sure there are quite a few people here who did in fact have to camp, and would not appreciate your story one bit. =\ Just like I know the people in that line didn't appreciate it either. But meh, no harm done. I'm sure they all got Wiis and have forgotten it, as they're lost off in Wii land, which is where I plan to venture now, too.
haha, i'm sorry to say it but we did the same thing to the k-mart people in my town.
packed in some cars and drove by them honking and screamin.
mean but funny, 28 hours of waiting in front of the same store will drive you to crazy things.
Stop the Wii on Wii violence!

I miss the good old days when the Nintendo fanboys stuck it to the Sega fanboys... ahh.. fond memories. Genesis sucks!!! :D
i was in a target line of 80+, and believe me, this is not an original idea. it happened more than a few times in the night. we had fun with it after the first one though. we could tell who was about to drive by and hang their consoles out the window as they slowed down so we would get up and start running towards their cars and they'd suddenly realize they better speed off like pussies they were. while we wouldn't have actually done anything other than scare them for entertainments sake, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to go parading your new console in front of a bunch of desperate sleep-deprived people
My buddy and I got ours at midnight, cruised by a target 8am line, and he sold his for $500 on the spot.

lol. Since we're roomates, he justs plays with mine till more come in.... paid for itself.
You could have gotten more then $500 dollars. Maybe you could have had some people bid on it. But then again you don't want to start a roit of some sorts, lol.

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