Fixing the Wii Zapper..or..How it should have been designed in the first place

Obviously they've designed it for convenient use. Why would they want to teach people how a gun works properly?
I'm thinking I might just not connect the Nunchuck so it's loose in my left hand, then use the part that would hold the Nunchuck in place as a stock...or if it's not long enough either extend it with something or just don't use one, although a stock would be pretty cool, I doubt you'd need it. You could even just cut the back bit off then so it looks better (basically like Brawny's idea), or just leave it I suppose.

Oh and I also saw an attachment that someone had made, and the Wiimote was placed in the holder on it's side, with the buttons facing to the left. So if you're holding the handle with your right hand, and the barrel in your left, you can press the A button, D-pad, etc with your left thumb.
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leaving the nunchuck out of the zapper shell would probably be the easiest solution. then you could still do all the gestures in the games easilly and you can still use the pistol grip trigger for the shooting. I'm thinking maybe adding a thumb lever to the main wimote body might work. it would be used to activate the A button and maybe even the down D-pad button, and you could use your trigger finger thumb (Kind of like the thumb-lever safety on the M-16/AR-15)

I think I will have to add a stock though....It just doesn't look evil enough without a stock. :smilewinkgrin:

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