Firsthand Experience


Jan 1, 2007
K, so you guys might have already had an experience like this, or heard of one, but I am going to share mine with you anyway.

I walked into EB Games (US gaming store that is partners with GS) just to look for some cheap GC games. Not even two minutes later A lady walks in, and goes up to the counter and asks the guy working "Have any Wiis today?" "nope" he responds "none till april". The lady says "Ive been checking here every day since Christmas and i still dont have a Wii" "Sorry ma'am, there is nothing we can do about it." So the lady leaves. About five minutes later a teenage boy comes in and says "do you have any---" "Nope, no Wii's" (later on, after the customer leaves, the guy jokes that he was just going to tell the guy no wii's when he walked in, because he could tell that what he was going to ask, but he thought he would give the guy a chance because, maybe he wanted a PS3 *both the workers chuckle*) The guy working than goes on to say that the "whole county is wii-less" and the teenage boy says..."well, than I guess I am going on a roadtrip tomorrow until I find one"

Idk about you, but the whole experience just gave me a good feeling about the wii's future. Two people coming in to ask for wiis in the 10 minutes I was there. Also, the joke that the worker made about someone actually wanting a PS3 (there were PS3's on the shelf) made me feel good about the wii's chances. Hopefully the demand keeps coming steadily.

it tis good anit it.Its the same with DS in my local game i was looking at sonic and the secret rings (It was sold out :sad:) and 4 ds were sold in 10 minutes
I love hearing things like that all the time, My brother works for EB Games and he tells me how their at like 85% of the original stock of PS3's that came in.. Can you believe that the 1st shipment of these consoles are still there..

hahahahhaha :thumbsup: sony Good Game

But when the Wii came out me and the guys from my station went to go get one and their were lines of people and the first wave of shoppers had them sold out within mins... thats ****in awesome !!!
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anybody else got comments on my story, or stories of their own they'd like to share? Or just general talk on the future of this gaming war?
when i was wiiless... we would call in at all the retailers in our area (gamestop, best buy and target and a couple other places) and gamestop would always answer the phone with "this is gamestop, we currently have the Playstation 3 in stock." When we would ask for a wii, they would laugh and say that they didnt have any.

but they would always have PS3s in stock every single day.

and at best buy, everytime i go there, they have a pyramid of ps3s and it never gets any smaller.
XwiimasturX said:
when i was wiiless... we would call in at all the retailers in our area (gamestop, best buy and target and a couple other places) and gamestop would always answer the phone with "this is gamestop, we currently have the Playstation 3 in stock." When we would ask for a wii, they would laugh and say that they didnt have any.

but they would always have PS3s in stock every single day.

and at best buy, everytime i go there, they have a pyramid of ps3s and it never gets any smaller.

lmfao i saw the pyramid too, i thought, surely those r just boxes, then some kid walked up and grabbed one and bought it, i nearly threw up at the thought of his dissapointment when he actually plays it.
yea, those wii's are still selling like it was launch day or something. When I got mine, i went early early in the morning to K-mart because all the K-marts said they were getting a fresh shipment and people were still lining up outside the doors at K-Mart JUST FOR THE WII. A whole department store full of tons of different items, and they only want the Wii. Well, the store opens up at 8 am and no lie they were sold out of Wii's by 8:02. I didn't get one at that location, so on my way to the other K-mart I called a third location just to find out if I should even go if store #2 doesn't pan out. Nope, store #3 already sold out their Wii and it was only 8:06! So store #2 was my only chance as far as K-marts go, so I got there at like 8:12 and ask. Thankfully they had just 2 left!

Meanwhile, despite what the cocky Sony dunderpates say, there are dozens of PS3s at nearly department and specialty store I go to. Wal-mart, Target, K-mart, Best buy, Ebgames, Sears you name it, they got plenty just laying around collecting dust.

Wii is spreading like ebola. They can't even hardly make it to the shelves.
I felt perfectly content with the Wii and its Mii System before I saw the PS3 Home. That just beat the **** out of Mii. No doubt about it. However, the gameplay of the Wii is still better than PS3, so it still has more than a fighting chance. But I'm just saying, maybe the PS3 isn't ****. With the Home and FF13, and most likely KH3 and I think MGS, they're gonna sell like hotcakes soon.
I was surprised the other day when the game store actually had a couple of Wii-motes hanging on the wall. A guy came in and bought one of them. I wasn't going to buy a game system this Xmas but for $250? Why not, plus the controller is new and different. $500 for a PS3? Are you f-ing crazy??!!!!!
PS3... WTF is a PS3 oh you mean that shinny exspensive paper weight thats holding down the sign for Nintendo Wii sold here...

Sony :ciappa:
i work at GS and we have over TEN ps3. i havent sold one fore about...3 weeks. and everyone who has bought a 360 only bought it cause we didnt have Wiis.

but it is true. we wont have Wiis till april. its hella dumb. but nintendo is making sure they are perfect.
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Since it seems like stores arent getting another shipment of wii's in until april, do you think that hints at the fact that that may be when the 'new' wii's are released. You know, dvd capable color wii's? Yeah, it seems really early for nintendo to be doing that (seeing as how well this wii is selling), but why else would they create a drought like this?
Nintendo is on fire and finally, we see that they are the best video games maker. When they'll get on with online gaming and with some good stuff with upgraded graphics (they say that Twilight Princess is a basic of what they can do... A BASIC!!), then they'll kick out xbox 360 too.

some one talked about online. yeah halo is gonna DIE when METROID gets online. seriously. mertroid would kill that masterchief kidd. ahhahha

but seriously online would be so fun. the previews for it look amazing.

but no i dont think they are making colored Wiis. itd be a bad thing right now. they are so in demand why would they would change trhe marketing. they dont need to.

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