*First Post* Wii Question

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blueovalboy7 said:
Do you know anybody that works at a Best Buy or retail store like that? If not its all about calling around and getting lucky, I know when I worked at Best Buy I found out when we were getting them a few days before they were to get in, but my store would hold them until Sunday and we'd sell them after a line formed outside. Good luck finding one, I really don't have any tips/tricks to finding one, but look in stores that don't get as much traffic, I remember Toys R Us had them and people had no idea, around when they came out.
THanks dude. My friend over right now asked his brother over Xbox Live and told me they had Wii's this morning and no one knew. I found out at 9:30 pm and they had them all day. I'm mad about it but my friend said that his borther will watch them for me.
find friends at major wii-tailers (wii retailers.....get it?)
my dad called a dude at BJ's and he "reserved" my christmas present
(betchya a dollar you cant guess what it is)
-my two cents
We got ours through Wii Alerts (wiialerts.com). We signed up for the dealie that sends a text to your cell phone when someone has them in stock and sure enough, one morning my girlfriend wakes me up and says she has the alert. We went to the site which turns into a single link basically when someone has them to make it easier to get to the store that has them, and got one off Amazon.com.

Was really easy.
Also, try checking out stores in small towns near where you live. I live in a medium-sized metropolitan city and there isn't a single Wii to be found in ANY store. However, if I drive 45 minutes away to a small town (say, only large enough for one high school), I could walk into Target, Wal-Mart, etc. and just pick one off the shelf.

Try calling around to the retail shops in the smaller towns within a reasonable driving distance from you.
Go online to target.com and do the local store search. Find the stores that are located within 30 miles or so(however far you are willing to drive for one). Call around to all of them and ask if they have any in stock(or when the next stock is coming in). This is what I did. It took a while to find one but I did!! The Target had received 12 in there shipment.
So I left work, hoped in the car and drove about 70 miles round trip. It was so worth it. That was about 6 months ago.
Good Luck!!! May the Wii-Force be with you !!:smilewinkgrin:

Happy Holidays !!!
hey welcome to wiichat, baby says hi!!!!


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