Hello everyone!!!!
Registration is now open, totally free! to the first edition of this tournament for PES11 on the Wii. This is an International Cup (with Italian users, from another forum, European and other users registered in this forum)
For now, those interested in simply enter your friend code and name pes11 nik. Do not put the team who still want to use, this will be done once!
You must be subscribers to the site. Each user can select the desired club team at registration.
The team choice at the beginning of the tournament can not be changed.
It is not allowed to use created teams in Master League, Champions Road team or be stated at the time of Mii: Nick Friend Code Pes 2011 and used in PES.
The start of the tournament is expected to be decided on will start with the mini-group consisting of 4 teams in Champions with ranking Italian style and with lots of return. The first 2 teams of each group entering the second round, with lots of return, while the 3rd best ranked will become part of Europe PES 2011, while the 4th place team will be eliminated from the tournament ...! ! Only the final 1st-2nd place, and the final 3rd-4th place will be played in one way
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