fire emblem


WiiChat Member
Oct 17, 2007
Why is there no threads on fire emblem?:yikes:
I live in europe so it's not out but if it was I probably would of gotten it.
I went and rented it yesterday actually. It's pretty fun. still getting used to the controls 'cause i've never really played an RTS before.

I'm going to beat it on easy and normal and hopefully i can do that before i have to return it
im going to buy thyis, but after, after i get the other games that are on my wishlist
Judging from the GC one the wii one will be great! Cant wait till it comes out in Aus which will probably be 2-3months time :(
might be amazing

I went to rent a game two days ago, and I realised that Fire Emblem was out.

This is a game I've been waiting for a long time and I will definitely buy it this week at the same time than mario galaxy.
Actually the storyline is right after the one on the gamecube, wich was an amazing game ( the first FireEmblem to be released outside of Japan, wich had about 12 of the serie i think ).

The life of the game will prolly be LONG enough to have a lot of fun for more than 25 hours if i can judge with the last one. And the story might be amazing also.

Definitely worth buying in my opinion!
after playing about 2 hours worth of the game, i can safely say this game is totally worth buying. The amount of control you have over things is awesome. While i wont tweek with stuff just yet, i will once i figure out everything. I want to beat the game first before going back and beating the game by making my own weapons and using all sorts of items and what not.
This is a great game. It is fun and has a great story to it. It has a lot of game play time so you'll definately be busy with this one. For more info go to or just wait for more posts.
Yeah, I am also planning on buying this game, but not right now. Probably a few weeks after the actual release date.

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