Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn retail fix


WiiChat Member
Feb 2, 2008
anyone know or has picked up a fixed copy of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn from a store/retailer?
if so whats the serial number for the fixed one?
i noticed after the glitch was announced a recall has taken effect, i noticed some retailers pulled Radiant Dawn off the shelves only to be seen again sometime last month
i dunno if this was conincidence due to the holidays or infact a recall was done
i know for Zelda: Twilight Princess retailers did receive fixed copies
at the bottom of the disc, if it ends in 0A-2 then its fixed
my copy of Zelda was straight from the retailer, not an exchange
so i was wondering if Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn got the same treatment?
is there anyone way to tell without opening it up?
are the SKU's on the back cover identical? (for example TP)
i rather not go through the hassle and waiting period for an exchange
btw did anyone get a fixed copy of Super Mario Galaxy with the rare bowser glitch through a retailer? (i don't think there is an official exchange annoucment or even a fix)
i have the original and it ends in 0
I am unaware of any of these glitches. I have an original Zelda, original Mario galaxy, and I didn't know there were any issues....hmm.
Oh well, they play just fine.
WiitnessID said:
Man you have a lot to buy don't you!

haha sure do :p BTW! It was late for me when I posted this so It was completely off-topic I see now! :p

Havent heard about any glitches or errors in this game. So it might be a strange strategy from the salespeople :p
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i forget to mention
this is for the NTSC version

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