Finding NES Games (cartridges)


Just another Wiitard
Feb 23, 2007
NW Indiana / Chicagoland
Wii Online Code
I'm looking for a place or site to buy either a bulk of or individual working NES Cartridge games (other than ebay). I have a NES in perfect condition and want to start a collection of games.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Car boot sales, junk shops or markets
just search for game collectors ... there are a few guys near me that there buisness is in older collectable game systems... they have been buying them up for years at garage sales and keeping them in good condition to make a profit off of them now... you can pay some good money though for them... really should have snatched them up years ago when there were cheep and everywere... best place would be small game shops,flea markets,and garage sales... besides that your gonna pay through the nose...

ive got a 55 gallon garbage bag full of old atari games besides the ones i have stored away in cases...enough to put my kid through college selling them off on and off but thats why i never ditch anything gaming wise, and snatch them up all i can when they are cheep...

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