Finally thinking of buying a Wii


WiiChat Member
Dec 27, 2007
I have been promoting the Wii online for about 6 months now, have made some decent cash, and now want to buy one for myself.

At first I had absolutely no interest in it, just promoted it because there was demand, but after hearing so many positive reviews decided to get one myself, probably next month.

Hope to learn more about it here...
Basicallt the best thing you can by yes theres the other consoles but you just don;t have as much fun, and if you a nintendo buff I woulf recommend getting one:D
R U Serious U Don't Have One Yet? Lol Well What R U Waiting 4? You Don't Know What Ur Missing Out On.
Welcome to the site. The Wii has become somewhat of an artifact these days, but if you do manage to find one, take it to the counter immediately. :lol:
I hope you have a pleasant stay here.

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