Finally Got My Wii!

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Rawr! Bow To Da Masta!
Dec 18, 2006
Wii Online Code

i finally recieved my wii for my b-day!


my wii fc is 0835 4182 9660 1394

i currently do not have any online wii games atm, but i plan on getting some for christmas(possibly battalion wars 2, and medal of honor heroes 2).

if you wish to add me pm me with ur wii fc.

or on this thread, which ever you prefer
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From What I've Heard MOHH2 Looks Really Good!(The one i want the most!)

my friend has pokemon battle revolution, to me its mediocre.

battalion wars 2 looks great, i have not played it yet, but i have played the first one and it was enjoyable.

idk, it really depends on your taste on games.
davortech said:
What are the best online wii games?
You can't go wrong with Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 or Battalion Wars II. Also, to the thread creator, enjoy your Wii. :-]
bwii sucks. MOH2 is great and online tops it off. strikers is kinda fun but i think it is over hyped. MP3 is a must. RE4 also if you didnt have it for another console
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