final fantasy the crystal bearers


Nov 25, 2007
lets talk about the upcoming final fantasy title the crystal bearers. I have done some research on this game and to me its looking really good for a final fantasy title espically for the nintendo wii, so for all the wiifused people that dont know whether to go right or left with the wii there are some great lookin games coming out for the wii in 08 and to me final fantasy the crystal bearers will be a must buy rpg game and trust me i love a good rpg and the way final fantasy is looking for the wii it will be a must buy.

Now comments on 08's wii upcoming games such as final fantasy or mario kart wii or perhaps no more hero's. No more hero's is also a must have game for me lol and yes i will enjoy chopping people in half espically after a bad day of work lol. So opinions gamers are what games in 08 are you really looking forward to from the wii? post your reply
I shall be getting No More Heroes game looks awesome

As for final fantasy meh i'll probally skip this and invest in a PS3 soley for FF13
( I'm a huge final fantasy fan)

It seems to me that Square seem to let Nintendo have cut down Rpgs and have let the good stuff for the PS2/PS2 i.e FF 10, 12, 13

RPG wise the wii has a gam coming out called project O they have now changed the name to Kings Story it looks pretty interesting and I will be picking up a copy.

If you after a good RPG to tide you over until some more good Wii games come out invest in Skies of Arcadia Legends

what more can I say this game possibly is a ff7 beater it's amazing :)
Kings Story will own. If it doesn't, I'll kill my self and get some one to post my death on Also, I heard that the Final Fantasy game on the Wii is going to be a WiiWare Title.
I don't know if everyone knows this or not. But rumor is that Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers is set to be the first full length-big development title to be downloadable on Virtual Console! I forgot where I saw this (I remember it was a reliable source though) but if it is in fact true, then the rumors of a Wii Hard Drive may also be true! *keeps fingers crossed*
LiquidD said:
Kings Story will own. If it doesn't, I'll kill my self and get some one to post my death on Also, I heard that the Final Fantasy game on the Wii is going to be a WiiWare Title.

The Final Fantasy on WiiWare will be a completely different game then Crystal Bearers.

EDIT: I believe it is titled Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Little King and the Promise Country.
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im confused nintendo coming out with a hard drive sweet! now what is this final fantasy wii ware what does that mean im so confused do you mean like a full online final fantasy game for the wii
Yea I really want the little king ! :D:D

But this one sounds interesting as well! Would be cool to have a big final fantasy game on the wii!

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