Final Fantasy: CC The Crystal Bearers


WiiChat Member
Feb 15, 2007
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This game is going to be so great, I mean the gameplay video looks like it's is going to be awsome (good graphics as well).

Gameplay Video:

Oh and it is also going to be Online most likely! ! I'm so happy!

Online Proof Link:

Other Info (From:

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers is an upcoming Wii RPG by Square Enix. It is a sequel to Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and the unreleased Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates for the Nintendo DS[citation needed].

The game is being designed to take advantage of all of Wii's unique features.[2] While there are yet no details on exactly how certain features will be implemented, it can be assumed that the motion-sensitive controller will play an integral role in user interaction. The gameplay so far shown is just melee in which the character moves quickly, does high jumps and battles three ogres.

The trailer released at Square Enix's pre-E3 press conference is short, but it contains a lot of little tidbits of information. One major development is the presence of steam punk-style airships, which give off green smoke. This suggests that, as in other Final Fantasy games, they are powered by some magical element, possibly miasma. (Incidentally, this is very similar to the airships of Final Fantasy IX, which were powered by the poisonous "Mist") A group of three crystal caravans is shown a few moments later, similar in style to those seen in the original Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles game. After that is a short clip of a young Clavat holding what appears to be one of the miasma-repelling crystals, except that it is not attached to a chalice. Lastly, a dragon-like creature spreads its wings over a waterfall, engulfed in flames. Many believe this creature to be Bahamut, one of the most powerful summons in most Final Fantasy games, which leads to speculation of summoning magic being added to Crystal Bearers.

As of May 2007, a new trailer and screenshots of the game have surfaced, showing a new hero and a redesigned, realistic art style. The trailer opens with a spinning green crystal and the Final Fantasy logo. It then shows a young blonde boy falling through the sky blasting enemies with a machine gun, an orange haired girl on a cruise-ship esque airship, the boy battling a dragon of sorts while still falling, the boy using a type of magic to pull himself forward in midair, an explosion, a large blue crystal suspended above a city, the boy running through the city, a fountain, a lake with several stones, the boy landing on an airship, the boy holding the green crystal, the boy having a fast-paced action battle with three ogres, and lastly the boy jumping off the airship.
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That would be neat if Square Enix mixed up the take turn battles and melee. Thanks for the video, I haven't seen that one yet. I will definitely get this game whether or not it has online.
I hope it still makes use of the classic FF turn-based system, myself. FF 12 was a good game and all, but I grew up on the old system and 12 really left something to be desired for me in that department.
Riviet said:
Do you guys think I would miss out on much if I haven't played the first FFCC?
You should be fine. I don't think both games are related in any other way, except for sharing the name "Final Fantasy" of-course.
Have too say looks pretty awsome, not a fan of FF going to Nindento as i belive they always turn it into a childish cartoony game, but this one looks pretty awsome, might get this although prefer the FF series on the Ps.
im really psyched for this game. i thought the first one's multiplayer component was fun, but the single player fell flat. This CC game seems to focus on single player more... but i do hope that there will be multiplayer like in the first one. *fingers crossed*

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