Fifa 08 Wii Tournament - Prize To Be Won


could you not extend the deadlines for the matches cause it seems like the matches are too close together and its a big rush trying to arrange/play matches with people
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
hey guys i qwas at a party! soz
No worries, I haven't been around for the past 2 days as I've been busy with several things...but I can play you tomorrow if you like (Tuesday), between about half 6 and half 7, are you available?
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All matches must be completed by sunday at 1pm. Im completely bogged down by school work at the moment so you all get longer.
I resign from the league.
Im at uni, plus work 25 hours a week, so someone else can take my spot.
Hey Brendo where you at?? It says you're online in Fifa 08 (I'm guessing that's you with the persona 'brendobhoy') but you haven't created the game and you're not in any of the rooms! I've been waiting since half 6 as well, and I've sent you some messages! I'm going to have to eat my steak now because I'm starving so I'll check if you're around after I've eaten, otherwise we'll have to re-arrange mate.
Init, I was hoping to play him within the next 3 hours. I doubt that's going to happen though unless he gets online! We only have until Sunday at 1pm as well, so he best come on soon. I think I'll send him a PM as well to make sure he knows I want to play.
move the analog stick on the nunchuck the place you want your player to move.
There isn't a proper first touch though, that's just the direction you want to move to, you can't knock the ball into a direction and run onto it, which annoys me!
luigi fanatic said:
Damn, if only i returned from holidays earlier i could of entered...
You still can bacause someone has dropped out just pm wii cricket to ask

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