Fifa 08 Wii Tournament - Prize To Be Won

Hey guys
i'm looking into getting a Wii very soon and i wanted to know if fifa 08 can be played with the regular controller. I wouldn't want to play fifa 08 with the motion...
wiicricket im idok 21 i was arsenal in group 1 but iv been replaced by everton is this a typo?
Errrm what time are you available today? I won't be able to play in like the next hour or so because the electrician is here so the electricity will be going off shortly.
Yeah it looks like he hasn't done the fixtures for Group D yet!
So what level is everyone on online? And what difficulty setting do you lot usually play on vs. CPU?
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Fixture for group D will be up tonight i PROMISE! I need to get playing my games :p
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Group D Fixtures

Fixtures 1 to be completed by Saturday 6th October 8pm GMT
Whitey22- Man Utd vs lil-brits - pugitt - Rangers
daz159 - Notts Forest vs Paulholmes - Everton

Fixtures 2 to be completed by Monday 8th October 8pm GMT

Whitey22 - Man Utd vs daz159 - Notts Forest
pugitt - Rangers vs Paulholmes - Everton

Fixtures 3 to be completed by Wednesday 10th October 8pm GMT

Paulholmes - Everton vs Whitey22 - Man Utd
daz159 - Notts Forest vs pugitt - Rangers
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  • #74
FIRST POST UPDATED!! Fixtures and Tabled Loaded!

weewii182 awarded the first game due to adubrovs not having the game.

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