FIFA 08 on Wii !

the controls for Fifa are disgusting...have you seen them?hey turned a football game into a dance game. No thanks.
Wii_Smurf said:
It makes it realistic. If you don't like it maybe the Wii isn't for you

no the wii is definatley for me. But the controls will just get too repetetive...waving the remote to shoot and pass...throw ins that require a large movement, having to save the ball yourself with both arms....

The wii's motion sensing is great and i love it. But there can be too much of a good thing you know?

Ill wait for some reviews, but for now, im not impressed. PES should be beter.
i think it would be pretty sweet. using your miis would be sweet for something other than wii play and wii sports. as for the motions i think its cool that they're trying to get it more realistic.
realistic is one thing. but seriously you pass and shoot over 200 times in an average game. And you have around 5 throw ons. t at the moment im leaning towards Pro Evo for wii.
i agree that would get tiring and more than likely irritating, but i do still like the idea of the miis and the realism. as for pro evo i havent heard a lot about it so i would have to do some research.
pro evo would probably (hopefully) go for a less tiring/over the top approach. The fifa team just got too excited it think. time will tell.
3DSmashBro said:
Ya.. I Like Soccer But Not To The Point That I Pay 50$ For It Without Mario In It.. Lol

haha, thats funny, i may not buy fifa, but definitely going to buy strikers.

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