
Shiftfallout said:
complain, pffft. You got it the other way around. When I say something good about the PS3 then people like sagema crawl out from the shadows and start to complain. You too for that matter. If they hate sony and the PS3 so much, why do they come here if not to complain? hmm touche

Calm down there nellie...wasn't attacking you just saying what I thought. "Crawl out from the shadows"? Wow if by that you mean he checks in from time to time when hes not busy with life in general I guess you might be right. And where did I complain about the p$3 in my last post. I just said I wanted it on either the 360 or Wii. So sue me.
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MasterJedi2U said:
Calm down there nellie...wasn't attacking you just saying what I thought. "Crawl out from the shadows"? Wow if by that you mean he checks in from time to time when hes not busy with life in general I guess you might be right. And where did I complain about the p$3 in my last post. I just said I wanted it on either the 360 or Wii. So sue me.

Dude, you're so sued!
Lol. To be honest, graphics doesn't matter when it comes to Final Fantasy, I still LOVE playing Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9, as well as 10 and 10-2, and I'm still finishing 12. So I'd be happy if Final Fantasy 13 came out for wii, but it'll have to be a different story to the two coming out for PS3. Also, I hope, if it does come out for wii, that motion sensing isn't used. It really doesn't suit a game like Final Fantasy.
Yeah good point, final fantasy isn't really made for that. But becuase of sony's controller that will probably play some role, other than being annoying and unnesscary

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