
Thats interesting. However I still think theres a chance the main one will appear on either one of the other 2 systems and thats what I'm hoping for of course. I don't understand why Square is releasing a clusterf*ck of FF13 games when 1 is enough for me...2 at max. But 4 is overkill. Sorry but I"m not that obsessed with the game that I'm going to play it on my mobile! As for the series I think they are always creative when it comes to the creation of the new worlds, characters, etc. Thats why I love it.
MasterJedi2U said:
Thats interesting. However I still think theres a chance the main one will appear on either one of the other 2 systems and thats what I'm hoping for of course. I don't understand why Square is releasing a clusterf*ck of FF13 games when 1 is enough for me...2 at max. But 4 is overkill. Sorry but I"m not that obsessed with the game that I'm going to play it on my mobile! As for the series I think they are always creative when it comes to the creation of the new worlds, characters, etc. Thats why I love it.

It sounds like they're all going to be different games with different characters, stories, and gameplay. The only similiarity I can imagine is that the games share a similar enemies, lanscapes, or universe.

So basically besides having FF13 in the title, they'll all be different games.

Have you seen FFxiii versus? That to me seems completely different from the main FF13.
Oh I know they're all different but I still think its just too much. I'd rather just have 1 or 2 to pick and choose rather than feel like I'm missing out on something or feel compelled to buy all 4 since they have FF13 in the title you know? However I'm really interested in the main one and Versus.
MasterJedi2U said:
Oh I know they're all different but I still think its just too much. I'd rather just have 1 or 2 to pick and choose rather than feel like I'm missing out on something or feel compelled to buy all 4 since they have FF13 in the title you know? However I'm really interested in the main one and Versus.

Eh....I'm still not seeing the problem here, but ok.....
Shiftfallout said:
No, you said that FF7 was what put the playstation on the map. Theres a big difference, I responded by saying they sold a lot of games, but they did not purely put it on the map. Need a reminder?

Dont forget, you called me out first. You brought this upon yourself.

My defense? Why would i need a defense to point out the stupid stuff you say. You keep calling me out, therefore If you cant compete with facts, then do yourself a favor and get smart. Its funny because you start complaining everytime i type a huge post, as if it some how physically hurts you. Grow up. Since you seem so eager to get me to respond, i will gladly humble you again if you wish.

The success of the playstation goes way back to when nintendo teamed up with sony to produce a cd based system. Sony already had some of their hardware in the snes, and nintendo was eager to join forces with sony. The snes cd was announced. Strangely enough, something very taboo happened in japan. Nintendo betrayed and broke contract with Sony and abandoned the project. The next day after doing this they announced a partnership with Phillips, a European based company. This was considered a betrayal and a bad move by many japanese.

When Sony announced they would continue alone with the project, many japanese game developers were more than eager to make games for Sony and not nintendo. You can see this in the titles released for the n64. Sony had gained in popularity due to what Nintendo did by breaking contract.

In 1994 when the playstation was released, Namco had a lot of games lined up for Sonys launch. Each game sold extremely well with the launch, and were quite popular. They also had plans for making sequels to all the namco games released.

Over a million units sold in japan alone. A large selection of popular games.


1997, Final Fantasy 7 is released on the playstation. It was a widely popular game.

Before FF7, Sony was already doing extremely well.

SO... now do you regret bringing attention to yourself? Are you going to still stick by your statement that if it wasnt for FF7 that the playstation wouldnt be on the map?


You keep saying i dont know what im talking about, but in fact thats your defense to saying stupid things. If you are going to continually call me out, be ready to be humbled kid. Dont blame me. You brought this upon yourself.

You noticed Sagema hasnt replied to this? That one is gonna stink for a couple of days. Sagema here is some advice for you. STOP REPLYING! Put some ointment on that burn and get on with your life.
Maybe he has a life you know dumas. YOU haven't been on the forum for a long time and no one has said anything about it yet the MOMENT you decide to make your presence known you start off by making nasty posts that attack people....how pathetic of you.
Wii&Ps3 said:
Its gonna get ported. They will bring it to the wii and the 360. However you are only get less than 1/4 of the game since the 360 cant use the hd dvd drive for games. The characters on the wii will get stick figures with no legs and the graphics will be comparable to the ds.

You might get a lot more than 1/4 on multiple discs. Also the extra storage space will be part for higher quality sound and higher quality graphics textures etc. When the graphics/sound quality are toned down it will be a lot smaller.

Also if FF13 goes multi platform the money will be in the 360 and wii. If 100% of PS3 owners bought FF13. It would make the same money as if 25% of 360 owners bought it.
BrandonMcAuslan said:
Also if FF13 goes multi platform the money will be in the 360 and wii. If 100% of PS3 owners bought FF13. It would make the same money as if 25% of 360 owners bought it.

Its so true. They keep talking about how more people will buy the PS3 when FF13 comes out or whatever but if it came to the Wii or 360 even MORE people wiould buy 360s and Wiis just to play Final Fantasy XIII in addition to the COMBINED 15 million Wii/360 owners. It doesn't take a genius to figure out the math and the potential goldmine that Square Enix could make if they made the right decision.
Thats the thing, FF13 even if it goes multiplatform, will not appear on the Wii. This is a fact. Nothing against the Wii but the game just wont appear on it for obvious reasons. SquareEnix will keep pumping out crystal cronicals for Nintendo, but FF13 wont make an appearance on the wii reguardless if it goes multi or not.
Good point, the wii coudn't handle the graphics that they have for it, and I don't think it will go multiplaform they have stayed loyal to sony in the ff department since the ps1, execpt crystal choroncles.
MasterJedi2U is right. I have a life. Wii&PS3, Shiftfallout just complain a lot. I advise everyone on these forums to ignore them. They come into these forums looking for flame wars. I'm sure they got banned from the other 12 forums they were on prior.
sagema said:
MasterJedi2U is right. I have a life. Wii&PS3, Shiftfallout just complain a lot. I advise everyone on these forums to ignore them. They come into these forums looking for flame wars. I'm sure they got banned from the other 12 forums they were on prior.

anyone else find this funny? If you're going to attempt slander, at least learn to make it believable. By the way champ, the only one complaining here, is you. :D
Well it does seem like thats ALL you do. As for Final Fantasy XIII I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I think the Wii is perfectly capable of having a full on Final Fantasy game whether it require 1, 2, 3, or even 4 discs to get the entire game in the package. And even if this new one isn't coming out for the Wii I'd love it if it came out for the XBox 360 since I'm planning on getting the ELite version ASAP.
MasterJedi2U said:
Well it does seem like thats ALL you do. As for Final Fantasy XIII I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I think the Wii is perfectly capable of having a full on Final Fantasy game whether it require 1, 2, 3, or even 4 discs to get the entire game in the package. And even if this new one isn't coming out for the Wii I'd love it if it came out for the XBox 360 since I'm planning on getting the ELite version ASAP.

complain, pffft. You got it the other way around. When I say something good about the PS3 then people like sagema crawl out from the shadows and start to complain. You too for that matter. If they hate sony and the PS3 so much, why do they come here if not to complain? hmm touche

And no the Wii will not be capable of having FF13 on it, reguardless of disc size. Again not dissin the wii, but its a fact. If Square were to create a scalable version for FF14 with the intent of it showing up on the wii, possible but doubtfull. The wii in its current state cannot run what Square is doing with FF13. Its really not up for debate as this is just a simple fact, unless Square were to downgrade and compress the game, which is also highly doubful.
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