Favorite WiFi Game

How do you get stars next to your name?
Is it sort of like the Hunter's License in Metroid Prime Hunters where once you accrue a certain number of points you'll be promoted to a new title?

My fav would have to be Metroid, as long as there aren't any n00bs playing (and by n00bs I'm referring to the tools who always use Weavel all the time)
All Out said:
Animal Crossing is awesome if your in the mood to chill out and talk and...

Metroid is great if your in the hardcore gaming mood.

I always wanted to play Animal Crossing on the DS, looked really innovative, and fun to just chill and talk with random people, kind of like a virtual-world MSN (if that makes sense) or WoW or something.

I've got my hands full with Metroid, Mario Kart and StarFox Command (If I could find opponents!) at the moment.

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