Favorite Music Heard in a video game?

My Ipod plugged into my 360...

Or the Space level music in Lunar Knights on the DS...
Hands down my favourite video game music is...

The Wii Weather Channel Music.

I am not being sarcastic I love that music!
Brady280 said:
I like the song at the end of ff9 melodies of life I think its called.

I love melodies of life that has to be my favorite. But I do like the song from ff10 when Tidus and Yuna are in the water. And the classic mario bros theme but who doesnt like that
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Wiily Good said:
Hands down my favourite video game music is...

The Wii Weather Channel Music.

I am not being sarcastic I love that music!

lmao i love that **** too sooooooooooo peaceful :lol:

im listening to the lost woods music in link to the past right now


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