Favorite Arcade Game?

Yes i no you can my personal favorite games are megadrive ones so what are your current favorite retro titles that you would like to see on x box live arcade.
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  • #17
luckio said:
Yes i no you can my personal favorite games are megadrive ones so what are your current favorite retro titles that you would like to see on x box live arcade.
i would like to see, Banjo Kazooie =P
zombies ate my neighbors (rumored actually)
geeze idk, i cant think of any off the top of my head
+ im only 14 so i dont know/have played a lot of the classics :scared:
I agree with you on zombies ate my neighbours, and banjo i loved zombies was a classic. i must admit i like pac man on x box live arcade and there was the marble madness clone on there marble blast ultra so i guess it not all bad
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  • #20
luckio said:
I agree with you on zombies ate my neighbours, and banjo i loved zombies was a classic. i must admit i like pac man on x box live arcade and there was the marble madness clone on there marble blast ultra so i guess it not all bad
marble blaster ultra is really popular (just saying its not like it was created just for the arcade) but im sure you knew that
theres also the game I just downloaded, Small Arms, which is a Super Smash bros "clone" reason why clone is quoted is because you can tell it was intended to be the Microsoft fix for SSB, but its entirely different, its mostly about guns
I thought heavy weapon was not bad i think what may happen with the arcade is when this xna creators club thing takes off a lot of those games could well appear not sure if they would charge for them but could be good in the future. And you could see the thinking behind small arms from microsoft that is very simlar to smash bros. Id like to see some fuzion frenzy type games appear that be good.

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