Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

BBirdP said:
I haven't played any others games besides Zelda, but after a bit of time it freezes. I can eject the disc, but the screen remains. My remote won't turn the Wii off nor can I manually turn it off. I have to unplug the power cord to shut it off. While its frozen the speakers just put out a constant noise, VERY unnatural. Anyone had this problem?

Nope... but I have had similar freezing. If I were you, i'd be a little more patient and give the system at least a minute to restore itself, then unplug it if it can't recover itself. Avoid unplugging it if possible while it's on.
fndngemo said:
I just got my wii today and have noticed a problem while playing Zelda. I think it may of done it on the wii menu as well, but since zelda is what I'm playing the majority of the time it is what I notice it on. Anyway, the problem is that randomly every couple second the video gets kinda jittery. It looks almost like I'm watching tv with some old rabbit ears. It's not extreme to the point where it goes to static, but it definitely is noticable. I double checked all the connections and it's still doing it. any ideas?

I get a similar problem, I get little lines on the screen and things like that. I rang the helpline and they said to try another cable. I'm pretty sure the problem isn't the cable. It could be software based but I am betting it is the hardware.
I just got a new Wii after my 'system files became corrupted' out of the blue. Now, I have to restart Zelda and other games I played. I also have to get new friends. Hit me up.
tuned said:
Nope... but I have had similar freezing. If I were you, i'd be a little more patient and give the system at least a minute to restore itself, then unplug it if it can't recover itself. Avoid unplugging it if possible while it's on.

I've wait for decently long periods of time and it doesn't restore.
new hard ware

if you have internet wireless you should be able to download the internet hardware to go to websites.
Standby Mode Issue

When I turn off my Wii at night it obviously goes into Standby Mode. However, two times now when I wake up the neon blue led around the disc drive is fully lit up as if it's faulty. I have to boot up / down to make the light shut off.
Wiiaholic said:
When I turn off my Wii at night it obviously goes into Standby Mode. However, two times now when I wake up the neon blue led around the disc drive is fully lit up as if it's faulty. I have to boot up / down to make the light shut off.

This is funny as most want the light to stay on. The reason the light comes on is when you recieve a new message. This will only happen when your Wii is off and the light will go off when you turn the Wii on. I dont believe there is a way to turn the light off permanently but I might be wrong.

bobby1211 said:
This is funny as most want the light to stay on. The reason the light comes on is when you recieve a new message. This will only happen when your Wii is off and the light will go off when you turn the Wii on. I dont believe there is a way to turn the light off permanently but I might be wrong.

You were right Bobby. I checked right now, and I had one new message talking about the Opera Browser Trial for the Wii. At least now I know it wasn't an error or a glitch with the hardware. I thought it was 'cuz I didn't know what it meant. Thanks.
zx3chris said:
Plugged in Wii last night (after waiting 8 hrs in NYC cold). worked great, logged into my wireless access point and updated the firmware twice. played for a few hours. Turned the device off (went to standby, orange LED). Today, it stayed in standby mode and i could not recover from it. I turned off the power by holding down the power switch and LED went red. Hitting it again, it turned green, the screen shows absolutely nothing.

I've tried different inputs and 2 other TVs - the Wii turns on, DVD drive spins up, but the screen is completely black -

does anyone else have a similiar issue? There are no error codes reported;


There was a repoted firmware update that disables your Wii from use so in other words your screwed. But it im sry though i wish i knew how to fix it. -_-
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WiiLLNg24 said:
I got my Wii to work (so far). It was due to sitting it on its side. Lay it flat in an unobstructed area and it should work. Plus I played with the window open so there won't be a heat problem.

Hopefully this helps others.

playing with your window open might not be such a good idea. You can get some pretty nasty dust and dirt inside the Wii. And dirt kills way more than dust blocking a fan.
My optical drive is broken. Excellent. I called nintendo and they had me try different games and such, i tried trauma center, wii sports, zelda, and zelda collectors edition for gamecube and they all gave me an error message. so now nintendo is sending me one for free. if anyone gets this message (consistency is preferred), just call up nintendo and theyll offer to either fix yours or send you a brand spankin new one for free... you just have to return your old one within 21 days or they will charge you for the new one... sucks to be me, i guess i dont get to play with mine for the rest of the week...
i just had a Wiimote "de-sync" issue yesterday. i had to unplug the power from the system for a few seconds and plug it back in so it work again.
Don't forget to go through the basic sync process

I am posting this in hopes that others who might read this do not waste precious Wii play time trying to diagnose a non-problem like I did.

This morning started up the Wii and neither remote would talk to the console -- I would only get the 4 LEDs flashing on the remotes. I went on line and searched for "wii 4 lights flashing" (this was my first and biggest mistake -- I should have just read the manual in more detail). My online search led me eventually to the troubleshooting procedures for remotes that are not syncing on the nintendo support web site. I went through those probably 6 times including unplugging the console and removing the batteries from the remotes for several minutes -- all to no avail. Called up Best Buy, where I purchased it and they were of no help. They asked me to box it all up and bring it down, which I did. When I got down there though they said it sounded like I had done everything they could think of and contact Nintendo.

So came back home and went through the whole troubleshooting process once again -- the one I am talking about is here:
. Checked all the cable connections for the umpteenth time and tried the process again -- to no avail.
So I called Nintendo -- nice service guy answered -- and said, yes it sounds like you are doing the "hard-core resync troubleshooting process just right but lets try the normal sync process".

End of long story -- that did it.

So don't be like me, feeling like a fool now, and jump to the troubleshooting process without trying just the normal sync process. The main difference is that the regular sync starts with pressing the sync button on the remote FIRST and then the console -- the troubleshooting process is pressing the sync button on the console first for 15 seconds and then the remote.
My Wii works fine

My Wii worked fine since the day I got it, well, there were a couple of problems

Wii locked up-it gave me an odd screen kind of like plasmas when they switch from SD to HD (TV is a SD TV, no HD compatibility), it locked up when I lost all my lives in Super Mario 64 (where the game over screen should show up), the problem only happened once and never happened again

Internet access problems-When I first got the Wii, I was only able to access the Wii store on some occasions, I thought that was a problem with my wireless range (I have a poor wireless network, poorly constructed house), I moved my Wii to a different room of my house closer to my wireless router, I still had the same problem, I looked everywhere and heard that I should change my wireless channel, I thought that it was not the problem and if I did, that I would mess up something else on my network and make my electronic-of-any-kind illiterate mother angry beyond belief (since she knows nothing about electronics and computers, she thinks everything is plug and play), since that was the only answer I got other than "move closer to the router" I tried it, mapping my steps to reset it back, after I changed it, the network worked as it did and the Wii finally worked 90%-100% of the time

I still have to work on a wireless sensor bar
gamechaser001 said:
My Wii worked fine since the day I got it, well, there were a couple of problems

Wii locked up-it gave me an odd screen kind of like plasmas when they switch from SD to HD (TV is a SD TV, no HD compatibility), it locked up when I lost all my lives in Super Mario 64 (where the game over screen should show up), the problem only happened once and never happened again

Internet access problems-When I first got the Wii, I was only able to access the Wii store on some occasions, I thought that was a problem with my wireless range (I have a poor wireless network, poorly constructed house), I moved my Wii to a different room of my house closer to my wireless router, I still had the same problem, I looked everywhere and heard that I should change my wireless channel, I thought that it was not the problem and if I did, that I would mess up something else on my network and make my electronic-of-any-kind illiterate mother angry beyond belief (since she knows nothing about electronics and computers, she thinks everything is plug and play), since that was the only answer I got other than "move closer to the router" I tried it, mapping my steps to reset it back, after I changed it, the network worked as it did and the Wii finally worked 90%-100% of the time

I still have to work on a wireless sensor bar

don't forget to put the wireless router to "manual channel selecting" and choose a random channel, so it doesn't go in conflict with other routers around. i had a problem with channel 1 and 2, i switched to channel 9 and i have no problem since.

I too have a cheap wireless router (D-Link DI-524) but it works pretty fine right now.

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